CT scan

Well, today in the snail mail a very interesting letter arrived. it appears that the dear cardiologist has determined that I (the patient) needs a CT scan. What in the world I thought!

My appt. was set for Wed. There is the holiday on Monday, they're out of the office on Tuesday and the appt. is for Wednesday at 9am. I called them and just caught one of the staff in the office.

You see I suffered a very bad reaction to the contrast iodine that is used in the test. So I have to take a lot of benedryl before the test. I can't drive when I take benedryl because I can't stay awake. I never take the stuff because I can't function. There is no one to drive me and when I mentioned this to the staff she asked me why I needed a driver? That it is an easy test. Perhaps easy for some, but the last time I had a iodine contrast study done I was the code blue! The hospital called my husband and had he leave his train to come get me at the hospital! Then the nurse actually asked me who cares for me? What? I run my own small business! I care for me.

Thank goodness I was able to reschedule the scan in about 3 weeks. I can have my hubby take the day off so he can drive me. I still don't know why the Dr. would order a test like this without seeing me first. I got my new pacemaker in March and I feel fine. He didn't order a CT scan after I got my first PM.

So I have 2 questions; Why would I need a CT scan? and why did the scheduler not realize that sending out the letter with no explanation as to why would cause me to become alarmed.

As Patch was saying awhile back.. I seem to live in a state of panic!



CT Scan

by donb - 2010-05-29 01:05:04

Hi, It's late, just read your post and asked my wife (Cardiac Nurse) why you would need a CT Scan?? Sounds like just another false alarm to get you upset after all the rest of the bad things around your household lately.
She says, sounds like par for the Dr.'s staff (wrong Patient). You know I hear it regularly, just got a call from one of my Drs. I have'nt seen in over 17 years wanting me to get bloodwork done??? Seems that my Viox medication won't be covered by our hospital coverage insurance and they want me to switch to Zocor and this Dr. has office girls who also do the papers for my regular GP. Anyhow I'm operating on 1/2 of 20 mg Viox, Free sample version from my GP, have enough for 6 months. Maybe when run out they'll have the paper work right and won't have to feel like I'm stealing their pills. donb


by Genie - 2010-05-29 04:05:20

My mother had an allergic reaction to the contrast iodine. She was told she must never have another CT scan. Can you check with your doctor that their are no alternatives? I'm actually really worried for you about you doing this.



by Tracey_E - 2010-05-29 07:05:40

I would want to know WHY they want it, why they scheduled it and mailed to tell you about instead of calling to talk to you! I've had ct's, but never ordered by my cardiologist. Echo is how they'd usually get a better picture of your heart.

And I'd also want to have a discussion about the iodine. Reactions like that can ESCALATE with each exposure. I reacted the first time I had it also. Just hives, no code blue! When I had my venogram before my last replacement to make sure the new lead would fit, they put two different meds in my iv to prevent a reaction. I don't know what they were but I dozed for the next two hours and did not have a reaction.


by LS - 2010-05-29 10:05:01

I would call & "ask" why they want you to have it.
Maybe it's just a mix up & they haven't realized you ALREADY had it done?
They once called me from the hospital to come over & take my tests. I was like, "Uh...I just left the hospital after having them done!"
Good Luck,


by pacergirl - 2010-05-29 11:05:45

I want to thank you all for taking me seriously. I really think I deserve to know why the Dr. needs this test. I will call the office next Wed. when they are in the office. I have considered each response and thought and I know I need some answers before I put myself at risk. It could simply be money from my insurance or there could be an actual medical concern since the last visit. The CT scan I had last winter was because I was in the hospital because I was dizzy, confused and couldn't think clearly. That CT was if my head because they thought that I may have had a stroke! It turns out that it was the MEDICATION that I was prescribed. It had been given to me by the cardiologist.

I suffer from Mitral Valve Prolapse in addition to heart block and bradycardia and tachycardia. My new pacemaker uploads information to my Dr. office each night so I don't have the regular phone uploads anymore since getting the new pacemaker in March.

I sincerely appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. I will get some answers before any test is done.
Thank you,

contrast dye

by Pookie - 2010-05-30 10:05:32

I am NOT allowed having that unless it is a life or death situation.

One was last summer....I had to sign a zagillion pieces of paper/release forms as when one is already allergic (even if you only break out with one tiny little hive), things can/might get worse the next time.

The drugs they prepped me with were Benadryl, Zantac, and Prednisone....for a complete 8 hrs before the test.

I was SO scared something awful was going to happen but I HAD to have this test so I signed the papers.

During the procedure I felt the "warmth" they tell you about, and I also felt my throat begin to close...I panicked (like who wouldn't?) and then the test was over, and I was observed for another 8 hours and I did break out in hives all over my body even tho I had been prepped.

Now, I can only tell you my experience, and what a very good friend of mine (who is a nurse) told me: she said to never get that contrast dye unless your doctor can give you a dam good reason why you need it.

After my experience (and this had only been my 2nd contrast dye test in 47 yrs) I know for sure that I will NOT risk my life again without a bloody good reason.

I'm not trying to scare you, I'm only telling you what I've experienced and to this very day my ENT who did my throat surgery 2 months back - he would like me to be able to have a CT of my head with the contrast dye...but I said NO way and he totally agreed with me.

I've learned during the years to ask questions up the ying yang.

(Can anyone explain where the ying yang is???)


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