Struggling a little tonight

Ok folks, I have been on my diet since the middle of last week. I have increased my physical activities, eating a lot of salad and also saying no to the delicious ice cream which I love. I and sitting here on the sofa reading email, reading the new post and my tummy is wanting something "good". Now what do I do? That is the question. This is my problem. This is how I gained 13 pounds. I used to give in. However now I tell myself that I had a nice lunch and I had a balanced dinner. I don't need anymore food. Our dear neighbor brought over a cherry pie! Good grief. It smells so good. I will not give in.... struggle, struggle. I think I shall go enjoy a bubble bath. That kinda smells fruity. There that's it I shall do that. Then off to bed. Oh no! What was that noise.... uhmmm my tummy calling out to ask for a little bit of pie. No, I won't and this will pass. Wish me luck! I am telling myself that it is good for my heart. ahhhhh that is a good thought... being good to my heart. Good night all.

p.s. Blake has asked to join our weight loss challenge. I hope he can chime in and tell us how much he would like to lose. What a guy. :-)

Take care, soon to be a lighter Pacergirl


Do This

by heartu - 2010-06-02 01:06:07

Anything with fiber will make you feel fuller longer. Both soluble or insoluble fiber.

Examples, hot air popped popcorn (or low fat microwave)
whole grain pretzels
apples, pears, berries
add some fiber to yogurt (I like Greek yogurt especially the Cobani brand) - I put in some flaxseed meal or FiberOne cereal to the yougurt
pumpkin or sunflower seeds (unsalted)
handful of nut alnuts,almond)

an apple a day....!

by Loopy Lou - 2010-06-02 01:06:17

That really made me laugh - if you are hungry go eat an apple!! sooooo very true! lol lol!

I think if I know I can have a 'treat' meal at least once a week that should be ok right??! so a huge steak, fries etc and a pudding! and one little glass of wine or one of Tracey's cocktails!!

Thanks everyone for all your tips! I am now going on the .... wait for it.... tread mill! I will just imagine... Mr Clooney is my personal trainer....


by pacergirl - 2010-06-02 02:06:19

I wanted to say thanks to all of you! I went to bed and did not have any sweets. I did have a nice bath and keep thinking about how great it would be to be able to wear my favorite red capris! That did the trick. I have hung the red capris outside of the closet so when I see them I can stay focused. :-)

Great tips listed above, I am going shopping tonight and will look for the skinny cow products!

You guys are the greatest. Now i must get some work done. :-)

love ya!

We need spell check

by heartu - 2010-06-02 03:06:57

Boy, looking back at my post I have a ton of spelling errors! I type without looking at the keyboard. So please excuse the errors. Good thing none of the errors were "naughty words" LOL

Take your mind off of it...

by COBradyBunch - 2010-06-02 06:06:28

Go for a walk, read a book, write a letter, chat with us...

When I don't think about eating or being hungry it is a lot easier not to reach for those salty snacks I love (nuts, popcorn, pretzels or chips).

Your bath is a great idea... hard to eat in the tub... maybe I will try it sometime but damn, it has to be two years since I actually sat in a tub and took a bath. Showers however I do take daily just in case you were wondering...

ha ha!

by pacergirl - 2010-06-02 07:06:21

COBradyBunch, ha ha.... you make me laugh! I agree... there isn't any food or treats in the bath tub. We have a long claw foot tub and it is awesome to relax in and think about being thinner!

Thanks everyone, very much


Don't give in to temptation.....!

by Loopy Lou - 2010-06-02 09:06:28

Don't do it!!!!!!! freeze the pie after first, cutting it into about 8 pieces. Freeze each little piece and you could have one bit every other night!

Be really positive.... I am thinking of you guys everytime I eat food! I started yesterday, and whilst at the doctors this morning, he weighed me and I have lost 2lbs over the past week! I have already changed my eating habit to smaller portions. PORTION CONTROL!! Not finishing off left-overs, but freezing it for my work lunches.

I am drinking more water and sticking to my 2 cups of tea a day! I had one biscuit last night as I craved something sweet - that was the only naughty thing I had yesterday!

Keep strong and if you feel you are going to give in... email me and I will nag you!!!

WOW! Blake is joining us! wahoooo! go Blake!

Go girly go!!!

by Hot Heart - 2010-06-02 09:06:40

Well done for resisting!

I've just had lunch, was nice.

Chargrilled some red green and yellow peppers, onion ans carrot, let it go cold.

Mixed it in with some tesco low fat cottage cheese and chives and a grilled quorn sausage.

Was nice and very few calories.

For tea tonight am having pasta with quorn mince and mixing in the rest of the peppers.

BUT..................tonights going to be a problem, going to see Sex in the City with 2 friends, who will be munching their way through a chocolate and fudge mountain. I'm going to take some grapes and satsumas, so wish me luck!!!!!


Hot Heart!

by Loopy Lou - 2010-06-02 09:06:42

Well done you! I might be seeing that movie tomorrow night... but because I rarely go out!!! I will treat myself to some fudge I think!! but stick to water!! I am eating smaller portions. Didn't realise how piggy I have become recently. Do you watch 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me out of Here'? they eat healthily but tiny portions... maybe I should do a couple of days like that!!! lol

Keep up the good work! xx

Ice Cream Dreams

by ABelle - 2010-06-02 10:06:27

Not giving in to the temptation is the hardest part! You've already won half the battle. I've gained 30 lbs over 4 years. Starting with my first heart procedure and gradually adding 5 more each one! Sad but true. I recently joined WW and have lost 8 lbs to date! Yay!! Ice Cream is my weakness too! But I've found a few that actually let me indulge without feeling guilty. Have you tried any of the Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars yet? They're the bomb. Also Haagen Dazs low fat frozen yogurt in vanilla is amazing. Just make sure you measure out your portion first instead of eating out of the tiny container. (which is what I used to do). :) Hope this helps and keep up the good work. I've gained back a few lbs since I had my PM put in last week and it's extremely frustrating. It's nice to see some fellow pacers trying to take off the extra pounds too. :)


by LS - 2010-06-02 10:06:53

I read the other day if you're hungry, eat an apple. If you don't want to eat the apple, then you aren't really hungry. LOL
Easier said than done. LOL
I usually wind up going up to bed to read when the temptations are calling my stomach.


by Tracey_E - 2010-06-02 11:06:55

I try a glass of water
then I try to do an activity to distract myself
then I try to eat something healthy
When all else fails, just eat some! Not the whole tub of ice cream, a reasonable sized portion. One thing I am loving about WW is you can fit in the treats, you just have to balance it with healthy foods and watch the portions. Depriving yourself of all the good stuff and going hungry will just lead to binges.

ABelle, I lovelovelove Skinny Cow!!!!!! And I just discovered vitatops. Oh my, they taste so fattening and only one point!

Liz, too funny! I tell my kids that all the time. I'm hungry. Have fruit. Not in the mood for fruit. Then you're not really hungry!!!
but I don't; practice what I preach LOL

Good luck

by rvrs7081 - 2010-06-05 04:06:05

As an elderly voluptuous lady, I have tried so many diets. Finally, at my advanced age, I seem to have lost my appetite. Not enough energy to exercise. But I am losing weight. All I can do is wish you well. Hope you reach your goal. Ann

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

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