A little help from the Wise, Please

My son was told yesterday that he may need a pacemaker. He is 22. In March a sinus infection turned into pneumonia. He was hospitalized for five days and released. Three days later he could not walk 10 feet so we took him back to the hospital. The infection, probably a virus, moved into his heart and liver. They did an echo cardiogram, his cardio infraction was 10/60. He was released from the hospital after five days. For two months he was on meds and saw the cardiologists every week. We all hoped that he would recover his heart function, but, as of now it seems that he will not improve enough. A pacemaker may be in his future. He is very frustrated and in all likelihood, scared about the limitations on his life.

I am looking for a support group, hopefully with young people who have gone through similar experiences. We live in Michigan near Detroit. I want to learn what may be ahead for him. Also, I am hoping to find a group of people to help him, if I can get him to use it.

Some of the stories I’ve read are very compelling and positive. I feel better already. Now, I need your help for my son.



It will be ok!

by sweetkozy - 2009-06-15 01:06:47

Hello there and you have found a great place to get information and support!!!

I am 28 year old female and I received my pm when I was 21 years old. I didn't know what to expect at the time, but it was the best decision ever!

I have lived a NORMAL life, aside from my yearly check-ups and telephone checks. Tell you the truth....after the first six months adjusting to the pm I am exactly the same as I was before the pm, except I have more energy! I have had two children with the pm. I have done the 21/22 year old partying at bars....lol and everything. No problems. (Although...maybe you don't want to tell him that!) haha Most people have no clue I even have a pm. Hopefully he will adjust well to it.

Any questions.....just send me a message!
Oh and I have family pics in the picture section.

Jenny (from Iowa)


by scadnama - 2009-06-15 02:06:20

I am a 25 year old female, and I received my pacemaker about a year and a half ago at 23.

I had to have a pacemaker under different circumstances, but I can relate to your apprehensions. More than likely, your son's condition will improve with a pacemaker, and he will feel better with an increased heart function. It may take him some time to adjust and wrap his head around having a pacemaker, but with time, he will learn to accept it.

My pacemaker has put no limitations on my life. I have other issues with my heart that are causing problems at the moment, but as far as the pacemaker is concerned, I am very pleased. He will be able to do the things that he was used to do...maybe even better than before!

Hang in there, and ask away!


living with a pm

by Tracey_E - 2009-06-15 04:06:10

I can't comment on his condition other than to say I'm so sorry he's going through this. I got my first pm when I was 27 due to a congenital problem. I'm 42 now, active and healthy. The pm does not keep me from enjoying life at all, most people don't even know I have it. I go for checks every 3 months, battery changes are a minor annoyance but not a big deal, I can't have an mri and it takes me a bit longer to get through the airport... Small price to pay for the huge burst in energy I get from having a pm. I don't know of any support groups that meet in person but we have many young members here who'd be happy to talk to him, as well as a few my age who have been paced for many years now. We're always happy to lend an ear or answer questions.


by Gellia2 - 2009-06-15 07:06:23

As to a long and normal life?

I received my first pacemaker at age 26 in 1975. I really don't feel I have missed a thing in life at all. I'm a grandmother now.

Life is good!!

Best to you and your son,

Living an unlimited life at 45 with pacer!

by harley63 - 2009-06-15 08:06:37

Hello... wow!! I'm sitting here thinking of the right words (my foot tends to enter the mouth).... since several have already posted very wonderful comments I‘ll forgo the mushy stuff and proceed right to the meat of it….... I'd like to ask that your outlook on the changes that your son will endure soon be positive. Person’s with implantable or external devices, be it a pacemaker, defibrillator, pain control pump, or external insulin pump all are the same as person’s without these devices. We all slip our jeans on the same… one leg at a time. We all have the same needs, wants, desires and we all dream… etc. Your statement of… “He is very frustrated and in all likelihood, scared about the limitations on his life” had me thinking about how us implanted folks are perceived. If you have not seen the movie “Music Within” please go rent it. It’s great! Having a pacemaker could actually be very beneficial to your son!! Our society has created a stigma that implanted devices are for the old folks who are trying desperately to apply the brakes before going head first into the grave. NOT! They are for everyone regardless of age.

As a Mother of a son who is 21, I can relate with feelings of helplessness of not being able to make all things better and wanting to provide resources of assistance. Perhaps a better option that we can offer to you…. Is to be of support, encouragement and an educational resource to better equip you as you lead the way with a positive attitude/outlook of what endless possibilities life has to offer with an implanted device.

And a second thought…. We each come to the bridge where we decide to seek support from others living the good life with devices or not. Your son will find the support he needs when he is ready. In the mean time.. I am the first to personally send an invitation for him to join in on all the great things this website has to offer. The ages range from birth going up! He should met us all and get to see that he too can live a very long and fruitful life.

Cheering for you and your family during these trying times, as always!

P.S. Tell the son I have a really cool Harley trike with Barbie pink flames on it!! And there are tons of photo’s of super cool members as well. That might spark his interest.


by sereimund - 2009-06-16 01:06:23

I'm almost 21 and I've had a pacemaker my whole life. It won't limit you and you'll have a cool scar. My stories occasionally when i really don't want to answer questions about said scar are I got into a bar fight, you should see the other guy. Plus its better to be out and about walking around and being able to enjoy life rather than having to be in a hospital unable to live your life. Having a pacemaker isn't a handicap its a gateway to having a functional and long life.


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

I consider my device to be so reliable, that I never think about a failure.