Pain in the left arm and neck

Hi--My device has been in a little over a year no problems however I'm visiting a friend in the hospital who was implanted a few months ago and is experiencing severe pain in left arm and neck and pain meds have no effect on the pain has anyone else had this problem and what was the solution. Thanks, Anchorgold



by Pookie - 2009-06-16 03:06:10

a few months ago....and still in pain. unacceptable in my opinion. discomfort yes, pain no.

Pain is the only way our body has to tell us something is wrong.

If I were your friend, I'd be asking the doctors for a chest Xray for starters to see if the leads are still in the correct position. The neck pain, I'd ask for a doppler of the carotid artery.

Don't wait.....get in to see a doctor, if not, there is always the emergency room.

It could be nothing, but for peace of mind, and safety, please get your friend to get it checked out asap.


Thanks for your reply,

by anchorgold - 2009-06-17 01:06:02

My friend went to the er after test they let him go on muscle relaxers.I'm concerned but thanks again for you reply

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