
My ICD is currently under my pectoral muscle.... right under my arm. when my arm moves, the devise does move a bit. Does anyone have this???? Are there any arm movement restrictions?????

When my battery goes a new surgeon thinks it should be repositioned. Above skin and under my collarbone. Will this be better or worse? I considered it under my breast..... but i think that may be a littke too personal!!!!!

Any advice or suggestions!!!




by Tracey_E - 2009-09-29 04:09:11

Most surgeons put it under the collarbone and just under the skin. This is the simplest and the easiest to heal from. The downside to having it here is it's more visible- you will be able to easily feel the edges- and it's more likely to rub with a bra strap or seat belt.

Under the pectoral muscle is nice because it's less conspicuous. The downside, as you've learned, is it can move around.

I have mine under the breast, have had it there since 1993. Recovery was longer than the more simple locations but I absolutely love it. I can hike with a heavy backpack and it doesn't rub. No one can see the scar, it's so well buried that I can't even feel the edges of it, I can forget it's there.

There are ups and downs to every location. Only you can decide what's right for you. How long have you had it? If it hasn't been long, I'd let it settle in and see how you feel 6 month to a year later. You may find you want to keep it right where it is.


by turboz24 - 2009-09-29 04:09:30

here is pretty much what I have read/know

1. Less visible, probably not see or feel it
2. More protected in case you get hit at the implant site
3. harder for the doc to implant
4. longer recovery time

1. Depending on the "padding", more visible and you can feel it. Mine sticks up 3/8" or so
2. Less protected, so lots of pain if you get smacked on the implant site
3. easy to implant
4. shorter recovery time
5. Can lead to possible skin erosion

where its at...

by m.lucas1972 - 2009-09-30 04:09:07

I've had my ICD for about 6 mths now. Mine is right under the skin and under my collar bone. I think i would have rather had it under the pec muscle, but if I did, i'd probably want it where it is now. Fact of the matter is i'm 37 y.o. and i didnt want it to begin with, but hey - beats the alternative, huh? It's probably going to be of some nuisance anywhere u have it placed, just because it is a foreign object inside your body and you KNOW it's there, and subconciously you will always "feel" where it is, no matter where it is. Be like me, thank God you r still alive and breathing.

the idea..

by turboz24 - 2009-09-30 09:09:22

As Tracey would probably agree, the idea is to impact your life the least.

For me there is a difference between knowing it's there, and then there is knowing it's there/announcing it's there to the world/being reminded everytime you look at yourself (mine is visible through my t-shirts) that it's there. I might as well have it implanted on my forhead.

In my case

by Katelyn - 2009-10-01 02:10:28

I have it under the muscle below the collar bone. It doesnt bother me, its pretty well protected and hidden under the muscle and doesnt move around. Backpacks sometime bother it, but i still am a hiker and outdoors person. Although, I dont like having the scar that everyone looks at instead of my eyes. There are special seat belt protectors and athletic shirts that form a hard shell around the device to stop things from rubbing on it. Consider buying these if it bothers you.


by mollyb - 2009-10-01 04:10:35

Thanks everyone for the great insight!!! I torn now.... Between under the collerbone. But eother under or over the muscle. I didn't realize as katelyn said it could be under the muscle and still under the collarbone!!!! I'm kinda liking that!!!!

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