
I just found this web site:)
I had my pacemaker surgery about 3 months ago. I am still having pain at the surgery site, when I move a certain way, when I sleep in a certain position too long, when material touches the site, pretty much most of the time. It is usually hurting, sore, sensitive, and itchy.
I went to my doctor Friday. He told me that the symptoms "will go away". Is that true? When? Can I put anything on it to help with the topical pain and itching? My arm also hurts a lot. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

PS I had a heart transplant 9 years ago. So, I am on meds that surpress my immune system.


From another janet

by janetinak - 2009-06-19 02:06:36


I had some discomfort in my 1st PM insertion site up to a year altho it did slowly get better. Good news is that when I had the 2nd one put in there was very little discomfort after the 1st few days. My EP's explaination is that an area is opened up to put the PM in & takes awhile for that to settle in hence less pain the 2nd time.
I used vitamin E oil on the scar once it healed & the same for my total knee replacement scars. I did this every night & I think it helped a lot. Also over the counter creams for intching may help. Ask you pharmacist about which to use. With the arm, have you been using it enough? Altho we have to wait & not throw the arm around for 1st few wks but after that it is usually OK to use the arm normally. Might think about that.

Lots of luck. Glad you joined us, we are a select group :-). I am sure that others here will add more info too.


pacemaker site pain

by VonnieVern - 2009-06-19 09:06:09

I had pain that started to increase about about two months after my PM implant, especially with movement. My internal med doctor said it sounded like it could have been nerve pain and gave me gabapentin (generic for Neurontin). I go some relief from that, but not complete. My scar was hypertrophic - not as bad as keloid, but similar. A dermatologist gave me kenalog injections directly into the scar. The scar shrank an practically all the pain an itching stopped, although every now and then I still get a twinge. (Got my PM in Oct 2007.) This may or may not apply to you, but you and/or your doctor(s) can consider this. I pray that you find the solution best for you.


Sounds familiar

by Mary Anne - 2009-06-20 10:06:20

You sound EXACTLY like me. And I'm also 3 months. From everything I've been told, it will gradually get better.The nurse and the technician who did my pacer check the other day both said when I get to 6 months and I'll be amazed at how good it will be. Don't know if this applies, but I'm smaller framed and they said it's very common to have all this sensitivity and pain if you are a thin person.
I posted a similar question a few weeks ago. One response was to make sure the bra is giving good support and not irritating the area. But instead of a sports bra or something like that, what worked for me was good push up that will make a little "shelf" for that entire area to rest on, It didn't completely solve it, but it made it a lot better. For the itch my doctor just told me to use over the counter cortizone creams. So far they don't help all that much. And if anything touches the scar it stings. So you're not alone. This does happen and it will get better.

This is a great place for help

by shocked - 2009-06-21 05:06:50

A year and a half ago I had a defib implanted and I didnt think I would make it through the first month let alone the first year. Everything that you described was my plight. I'm glad to say that I am better, it still hurts when I sleep in one position too long, It still hurts when I put on certain clothings, it's still a little sore and always itchy but it gets better simply put with time. The people on this site have been great in teaching me that all of us heal a bit differently but 1. we will heal and 2. it get's better. I hope that I've helped you.

Thank you

by Tabbycatmeow - 2009-06-30 11:06:57

Thank you all for your comments. They have really helped to answer some of my questions. I have been coping better because of them.
Wearing a strapless bra has been sooo much better. No strap to irritate the area. I have been using lanacaine with benzocaine in it. That has helped some.
Each day it seems a little bit easier to deal with having it.
It is a little bit like my experience with heart transplant surgery. Every day gets a little bit easier...
Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone!
Blessings from AL,


You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

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A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.