DVT after surgery?

Question: Has anyone thrown a DVT in their subclavical vein after surgery? Just wondering because I am being sent in in the morning for an ultrasound to rule out a DVT due to the pain I have been having around my collar bone and lower neck that started about a week and a half/two weeks after surgery. Docs still have no other ideas of cause but want to rule out a DVT since the pain would be a symptom of that although I don't have any other symptoms (such as swelling of the left arm, chest pain on deep inhalations, etc).


DVT post op

by kcruz - 2009-07-10 02:07:13

I had experience DVT post second device placement, normally if you have one they start you on Warfarin .

Still waiting for results

by COBradyBunch - 2009-07-10 04:07:58

I am still awaiting the results on the ultrasound but the tech (I am a very nosy patient and ask a lot of questions) told me what she was looking for and let me watch and even told me all about how the dopler works on the ultrasound. She said unofficially I looked clean for dvt's but that the radiologist still had to look at things. She also looked for sub-cue (sp?) air, any fluid pockets and some other things but said there was nothing she could see that looked like a big problem so right now the search continues.

Results are in (good news and bad news)

by COBradyBunch - 2009-07-10 05:07:36

No DVT (GOOD NEWS!!!!). Haven't found the reason for the ongoing pain (bad news).

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