1 Month Checkup Q&A

I posted this also as a comment to a previous post but thought it would be worthwhile to post generally. Saw my doc yesterday for my one month check and walked in with a list of questions. He actually took the list in hand and we went through all of them. Here is the list and what he said (basically).

Saw the doc yesterday and while they didn't look at the pacer at all to see if it had been up to anything he did answer my questions:

Why does it still hurt (although much better than two weeks ago. Now a 1 or 2 v. a 8 or 9)?

Some people have more of an inflammation response than others. Looking at my scar he figures that is why I flared up so much 2 weeks after surgery but eventually, and it might take months, all the discomfort should go away.

What limitations do I have? (Can I go mountain biking, will a face plant after going over the handlebars be a problem? Basketball, contact sports?) How protected is the unit from impact?

No limitations although he doesn't recommend tackle football, MMA or Rugby. Direct blows to the unit are not recommended. Also he does not recommend power lifting since he had a patient who blew out 3 leads power lifting due to the movement of the unit by the muscles. I can now raise my hand as much as I want and no more sling sleeping.

I have been suffering fatigue since the implantation and have had a couple of fuzzy moments. Does the pacemaker records indicate I have dropped below threshold that would explain these or am I just so damned out of shape after not doing much for a month that I have to get back in the swing of things?

Not sure about this. He expects once I get back into regular exercise and routines things will get better.

If this sucker doesn't go off in a year or two can I get it taken out?

Talk about it in two - five years, but probably it is my buddy for life.

What things do I need to avoid (standing next to the radar dish on a nuke aircraft carrier and not sticking magnets to my pacer as a parlor trick)? Seriously, What is urban myth and what do I really need to stay away from? Airport/business metal detectors? Wii balance board?

MRI's are the only real thing that is an issue. Of course you don't want to hang out and stand in anything with a big magnet but normal day to day activities should have no effect. Wii balance boards, no problems.

What exercises are recommended and what exercises should I say away from? I want to get back in shape but don't want to put myself back on pain meds because the muscles around this thing are so sensitive. Aerobic, Weight Training, Running, Cycling, Kayaking, Hiking

He is not a big fan of kayaking or repetitive movement exercises but as long as they are only weekend warrior things they are okay. Something about repetitive motion of the shoulder and leads has lead issues but as long as it is not all day multiple times a week I should be fine.

I like to backpack and wear a Camelback a lot hiking. Any recommendations?

Get a pad to cushion the pacer.

Can I get a copy of the pre and post reports?

They are sending me these.

How often do I need to be checked out?

He still wants to put me through a couple of tests to rule out any other underlying problems that could have created this issue but other than that, once more in three months and then once a year after that.

What if anything should I be concerned about if it starts happening?

No pacer specific things I should watch for, just general health.

Will I notice if the pacemaker kicks in at 50 bpm?

Nope. Pacer will just keep my HR at 50 bpm if I drop below and I will never know when I am pacing and when I am just running on the lower end of my HR zone.

Hope the answers to these questions help out others here.



by petrolhead - 2009-07-22 04:07:15

Hey, thanks for posting this. I actually wondered if I'd be able to feel the pacemaker kicking in, I do feel strange 'thumps' in my heart and it's irregular sometimes, but I guess it's something unrelated that I should talk to the tech about next time I see him.
As for the reports, I can't get the guts to ask for them, I'm too afraid he'll say no - the NHS has a habit of being secretive!

Emma xx


by Jake93 - 2009-07-22 06:07:45

Thanks for posting this. Friday will be one month for me and have had some of the same general type of questions. It is good to hear what another Dr had to say. I had to laugh as we just got the Wii balance board this past week, and read the disclaimer. I got up and left the room and my wife wanted to know why I was leaving. I had to go to the computer and do a search on this site to get the truth!!

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.