Laying on your Pacer Side?

I am 11 weeks post implant and recently I noticed when I lay on my left side I get some weird feelings like my pacer is doing something and my HR is kicking up but if I roll over onto my back, right side or stomach they go away. I am not set up for any kind or rate response or to be paced based upon any type of movement or such but this has begun to happen more consistently and has even woken me up. Was wondering if anyone else has had this type of issue. It isn't bad enough for me to make a special appointment with my doc, supposed to see him in three weeks but it is weird enough for me to wonder if something is going on.


Had the same thing...

by dward - 2009-09-09 09:09:37

Mine went away after a while. It's been 3 years so I don't remember how long it took, but it was a few months.
If it's still there at your next PM check - tell them.
Of course, if it's bothersome enough, I wouldn't hesitate to make that special appointment.
Let us know how it turns out for you!

might be a fast rate

by cqmccann - 2009-09-11 04:09:53

You may actually be having a fast heartrate. I sometimes go into afib or SVT when I lay on my side. It is temporary but feels wierd. It stops when I change my position again. I've had my PM since 4/08. You might want to talk to your doc about that possibility so you know whether it is your pacer or your heartrate. Hasn't ever been more than a nuisance for me but I am on a beta-blocker. Good luck.

Define Fast HR?

by COBradyBunch - 2009-09-14 10:09:34

Could you define fast HR? My wife, who is a healthcare professional did say she said she noticed that I had some restless sleep from time to time and said my HR was around 90, high for me in a resting state, but wasn't sure if it was just because I was having restless sleep or something else. I do work out several times a week and vary my workouts from low cardio 70% to full blown pushes where I get my HR close to my max as well as 80-85% workouts which is my normals. I usually have a HR around 70 when I get up in the morning and are just starting to move around.

I was told when they put me on the pacer that the only problem they saw with me was 'heart naps' where I would flatline for 5-10 seconds which was causing syncope. The problem I am experiencing sleeping on my left side was not there until after implant. Had it again last night and one more thing I noticed was when I 'squish' my pacer it is more likely to happen than if I don't have my shoulder scrunched up. Rolling over always seems to stop it.

I had it

by Beckes76 - 2009-10-15 12:10:42

Whne my PM was in my stomach area when I slept on my stomach I felt my PM race quite a bit. Since they moved it up by my shoulder I haven't had it since.

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