How much can you bang yourself up?

I have already made a decision regarding this but wanted to know what other people think/have done/would do.

Just over three weeks ago while riding my bike home from work (took the long way, was at mile 44) an SUV decided to try and make me and my bike a hood ornament by broadsiding me. After my short, unscheduled flight that ended up with me landing on my head (and I think handlebars of my bike due to the damage there as well) I ended up on the pavement with the following injuries:

Broken Fibula
Torn up knee
Some massive hematomas to my thighs
partially dislocated ankle (one bone isn't where it should be)
very sore hips
broken ribs on my right side
At least one separated shoulder and the other is at least sprained.
A variety of road rash

Now the question is... Should you get your pacer checked out after a crash like this? Since I didn't have a direct impact on the pacer at first I really didn't think about it but when I started to think about the damage I have to my shoulders I thought about how we are told not to lift our shoulders over our heads right after surgery and how we shouldn't lift anything heavy because of the potential to pull leads I started to wonder if the doc in the ER was right about not checking out the pacer. Now I pace very rarely, only when my HR drops below 50 (would go to zero for several seconds at a time) so I have nothing to say my pacer is or isn't working correctly and the only way to be sure will be to go in and get it tested (or pass out which has not happened and only rarely did, 2X in three months).

So Monday I will see my pacer tech to simply check and see if this thing is still working as it should. Am I just being paranoid or could the type of impact and damages I suffered really be a concern for a pacer that was put in 1 year and 1 week before my short, unscheduled flight?



not likely but

by Tracey_E - 2010-07-23 05:07:22

I'm with heartu, get it checked anyway. Odds of damaging anything are very very slim but given how little you pace there's no other way to be sure. Me, I'd know instantly because I pace 100%.

Why Not?

by heartu - 2010-07-23 05:07:29

You were hit by an SUV and heaven knows what if any damage was done to the pm. If there was any damage done it should be noted on your records especially if it warrants a replacement, lead problem, etc. why should it come out of your pocket.

If your pm survived unscathed perhaps we should all become titanium encased to withstand road hazards.

Hope you are doing well in your recovery. Monday is the last weigh in, but I will post tomorrow as I am going into hiding for 2 weeks, aka vacation.


by heartu - 2010-07-23 05:07:35

Tell the EP that the check up is auto accident related and have him put it in writing. I am sure you have an accident claim number and see if they would accept that. The person who hit you should be responsible for all medical bills related to the accident. You want to protect yourself just in case something doesn't show up immediately.

My husband just went through litigation for an auto accident that happened over 2 years ago. He had to have 2 surgeries on her left elbow and unfortunately it is not better. Even though the lawsuit was settled it was noted that additional medical claims can be filed for any future problems with that elbow.

I hope you have a great lawyer.


by Tracey_E - 2010-07-23 05:07:45

Clicked too quickly, wanted to say I hope you get to feeling better soon. Be well!

Always better........

by LS - 2010-07-23 05:07:47

Too err on the side of caution!
I'd get it checked out.
I hope you're healing nicely.
Enjoy your vacation!

Leads are the question

by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-23 06:07:44

You are right about the effect of the impact on the leads. They could have been damaged where they connect to the pacer or the impact could have dislodged one from the heart wall.

An interrogation would check them electrically and an x-ray physically.

I hope you aren't one of those bicyclers I see on the road around here who depend on the rules of the road for safety. We have on stretch of winding 2 lane where bikers legally ride down the middle of the lane as required. We also regularly have very right, but very dead ones who were hit by an inattentive driver.


Inattentive Driver got me

by COBradyBunch - 2010-07-23 07:07:39


I was riding in the bike lane, but crossing a street that was on my right coming into the main drag I was on (I had the right of way going straight with no stop signs or anything). The driver made a left hand turn coming from the other direction and T-boned me.


I am back at work (only took 4 sick days, did take a couple of vacation days I had already had scheduled also).
I can get around but everything pretty much hurts pretty much all the time. IB is a wonder drug (but I did rely on percs for the first couple of days).

Good Luck ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-07-24 11:07:47

Gosh, you sound like 'IF you did not have bad luck ~ you would have no luck'. Hang in there.

Thank the powers to be you are still alive after all those bumps and actions. The good Lord has more work for you to do, or possibly you would not be with us today.

Keep us posted,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Bear Hugs To All Of You ~

Seems like it took a licking and is still ticking

by COBradyBunch - 2010-07-26 11:07:53

Pacer appears to have survived the crash with flying colors although I wasn't sure I would survive all the tests they put the thing through. I was used to the normal testing but they really put it through its paces. But it came through it with flying colors, and my pacer tech says all the stuff is still the same. Pacer is working great and nothing new in the data too worry about. She said it was smart to get it checked out, even if there wasn't a lot of chance that anything happened but because I do pace so little I might not know it had a problem until I hit the floor.

Still gives me some piece of mind that when I can get back on the bike I won't be passing out while doing 45 down some canyon road.


by biker72 - 2010-07-31 12:07:37

Glad to hear that your pacer and you are OK. I haven’t had an accident since my pacer was implanted.

Both of my serious accidents were with other bikes. One resulted in a separated shoulder and the other was a broken carpel bone.

My very limited experience with Denver motorists has been very positive. Guess it takes only one.

We've had a number of hit and run incidents with bikes here in the Dallas area.

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