Completed the Triple Bypass... God was it fun

Yea, I did complete the Triple Bypass.... and in under 9 hours. Here are my stats if you would like to see them. Turns out that having a pacer wasn't the 'sentence' I thought it was 2 years ago.

Distance: 119.50 mi
Elevation Gain: 10,511 ft
Calories: 10,688 C
Moving Time: 08:51:38
Elapsed Time: 10:59:10
Avg Moving Speed: 13.5 mph
Max Speed: 43.5 mph
Avg Moving Pace: 04:26 min/mi
Best Pace: 01:22 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 10,511 ft
Elevation Loss: 10,831 ft
Min Elevation: 7,382 ft
Max Elevation: 11,998 ft

Heart Rate
Avg HR: 142 bpm
Max HR: 165 bpm



by Pookie - 2011-07-11 11:07:39

Glad to see your post. Sounds like you had a great time with your run.

I'm sure if my heart went @142 for even 5 minutes it would probably think it was in the wrong body....LOL.

You are right, however, having a pacer is not a "sentence" but during the first few months of having one it sure does feel different. I know I'll never be able to run but it sure does give me a high when I can get outside and walk EVERY day now ~ compared to what I was able to do just a year ago, which was not much other than sit around.

Everything takes time, but the best advice I can give to everyone is NEVER give up hope.

Thanks for sharing your good news:)


You too Pookie

by COBradyBunch - 2011-07-12 01:07:00

Forgot to mention you above... While Frank and Patch are my comic relief, you Pookie and a few others (you know who you are) keep my soul intact....

Frank and Patch...

by COBradyBunch - 2011-07-12 01:07:41

You guys always make my day... I posted the good news, the bad is I go in for some more ortho surgery next Monday to continue to fix the damage done when I was hit by the SUV a year ago, 10 days before last year's Triple Bypass. When doc told me I needed more surgery we negotiated the date... He said I probably couldn't do any more damaged and if I could take the pain and other issues the entrapped nerve and torn up knee was giving me that he would wait until after the ride this year. So next Monday me and the OR have more time together scheduled and he said the scar from this one is even going to be better than the scar from when they put in the plate, pin and 5 screws. At least I get to recover watching le Tour...

Watch out

by ElectricFrank - 2011-07-12 02:07:09

They will probably disqualify you for having artificial help during the event. Heck, it's just electronic steroids. LOL

I won't tell,


You know you're wired when...

Your device makes you win at the slot machines.

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I love this new part of me, and very, very thankful that this technology exists and I know that it's all only going to get better over time.