Facebook Group - Paced Athletes

Who else has big plans for the year?

Anyone doing any Tri's, runs, thru hikes, climbs, swims, big rides or just something that they would like to share that is a goal for them. We have Tony heading to the Himalayas, I have at least two big rides I am hoping to do, the Triple Bypass which is 120 miles and 10k+ feet of climbing and Ride the Rockies if I get in which will be about 500 miles over 6 or 7 days and I figure we must have others out there who have plans for this upcoming year.

And what does your doc think about your plans? Mine loves them, wants me to drop some more weight and loves the cardio work on the bike (as long as I don't have to visit him again to make sure leads are in tact after getting clocked by an SUV). Are all docs as supportive?

Created this fb group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/206748942750956/ - Paced (as in Pacemaker enhanced) Athletes) to let people share goals, successes, struggles, information, training plans and get support from other pacers who know better than our friends and family who often think just because you got one of these little guys in your chest that you should live a sedentary life and that your days of adventure and challenge should be over.

If you are interested and a fb'er (btw, there are some other great groups for pacers on fb as well) check it out.


LOL Patch... Hurt... GO FOR IT!!!!

by COBradyBunch - 2012-01-24 03:01:29

Patch... Love your posts... I really should get here more often...

Hurt... love your go for it attitude. BTW what breed of dog?


by pacergirl - 2012-01-24 04:01:28

My goals are to continue to learn Yoga, learn how to 2-step, loose a few pounds and be able to walk without my hip screaming in pain.

I dont' think it is too much to ask. :D


World Party

by Tattoo Man - 2012-01-24 05:01:36

My Mantra is always about celebrating differences and the fantastic differences between people who are part of the same tribe..
BradyB I,ve had a bit of a crummy jan with low running miles, but, I,ve done a four and a half with the Club.. steady..jog this evening,...mild with a bit of drizzle..hey pretty standard for Newark UK
People ask me .."is it difficult to go running?"

Answer...hardest bit is to get your ass off the sofa ,..get on your shoes..and head out of the door

Ten feet and walk..thats good
The next lamppost and walk..?..fine
The one after the next..why not ??
Fly..??...that comes next

Short plans, a 17 miler next month, medium plan , the awesome ADIDAS 24 Hour Thunder Run, our 4th year. A global endurance party...check out lst years Cowboys and Indians..TM is the guy with the big orange headdress.

Lets be good out there

Tattoo Man

Love this entire thread....

by gulliver80 - 2012-01-25 10:01:47

Now these are the kind of posts which really make me smile! we all know how rubbish life can be at times, hell, 2 days ago i posted a big yawn about my experiences over the weekend - but guess what, Life goes on!

I have taken the approach of "I do what I want" regardless of what im told! Now, I am not totally silly.....I am not a total nut! My cardio told me last summer when all my problems kicked off that i would not be able to do this, or that... lucky im walking about etc.... u know what I mean, however I, like some on here, dont give up on what I love that easily.

Brady bunch, your post is awesome - 120 miles wowsers!!! Im up to 80 miles on my super duper new Trek road bike, and i am delighted with that. I have a few goals this year.
1) The caledonain Etape road race, 84 miles through the gorgeous scottish countryside.
2) Aberfeldy Half IronMan

If I can do these events this will be like a dream come true. To me its so important. I will be starting my training plan first week in Feb and free to share it!

Keep on believeing


by tmenssen - 2012-01-27 08:01:34

Lucky 7
Get in Gear
Cable Classic Mountain bike race

Pre-Fat mountain bike race

Fat Tire mountain bike race
Apple Run
Monster Dash

Half-Marathon bound

by jfuhring - 2012-02-16 12:02:51

Going to do the Disneyland Half Marathon in September.

First Tournament

by gator - 2012-03-05 04:03:07

Six weeks in & playing in first "away" hockey tournament since implant; "cheated" and played a couple of game before the 6 weeks; felt great; still getting used to new pads (got custom shoulder pads with kevlar laminate insert --> work great); Doc is pleased with the play & just said "check in when you get back". The worst part is that, when my team mates figure out that I am not a delicate china figurine, my scoring run will go back to pre-implant.


by COBradyBunch - 2012-03-14 01:03:35

All of these are GREAT!!!! Go For it. I didn't get in Ride the Rockies but have signed up to do the MS Charity Ride (if you are interested in sponsoring a fellow pacer you can check it out here: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Bike/COCBikeEvents?px=10605191&pg=personal&fr_id=17994). Along with this ride I am also once again doing the Triple Bypass (120 miles over 10K of climbing) and hope to do some other century rides.

My leg still hasn't fully healed from getting hit by the SUV but I don't plan on letting it slow me down any more than the pacer did.


by COBradyBunch - 2012-06-02 10:06:19

Long story but I am in.... wish me luck, or is it lunch, not sure which but it is almost 500 miles in 6 days over lots of mt passes so both will come in handy.

You know you're wired when...

The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.