Another opinion poll

Hi guys!

Here comes another question: In Germany it is unusual that a pacer rep is there when you have your pacer interrogated. In case the cardio (here it's always a doctor doing the check) wants someone to be there, he has to call the manufacturer. I have been told that it wasn't always like that, but that cardios felt stepped on their toes by the reps presence, and so they basically threw the reps out of their office. Big egos!
I know that it's different in the U.S., and what I would like to ask is if you think it's better to have a pacer rep there or if you believe the cardio knows best what to do. In my opinion, the cardio and the pacer rep should work hand in hand. I just can't believe - and would not blame the cardio for this - that the cardio knows all types and models by heart.

Looking forward to your comments!


EP reads mine.

by bowlrbob - 2009-10-04 07:10:19

The Ep that put my PM in does the reading on mine every 6 months. A rep or tech could not change anything any way only let the EP or Dr. know what they see. So for me I think this is the ideal situation. The Ep reads the info and can make changes or not on the spot. Unfortunately not all EP's do this because they won't or can't take the time. My EP likes to participate in all aspects of his patients recovery and well being. I feel very lucky. Bowlrbob


by Carolyn65 - 2009-10-04 08:10:59

I just got my 1st PM on Friday p.m. (it is now Sun p.m.)
Do NOT know enough to get in on this comment, BUT, I would like to make a comment to any PRE ~ PM persons ~ do NOT have this procedure done on a Friday ~ everyone who is anyone goes home on Fri. eve ~ an "associate" cardiologist came in early the next a.m. & the rep. came in early Sat. a.m in such a hurry ~ he plugged in a small "case" he brought w/him ~ punched a few buttons, said, "good" & left! NEVER should anyone schedule this procedure NOR any other procedure on the Friday before THE weekend ~ ~

See the Rep or Not see the Rep?

by pacergirl - 2009-10-04 11:10:23

That is a good question. I see both the cardiologist and the St. Jude EP. In fact I make sure I schedule my cardio visits when i know that the St. Jude Rep will be in the clinic. That way I am sure to get the best care possible. My Cardio doc. and the EP often have a conversation about the results of the interrogation before he comes in to actually talk to me. My Dr. goes over any changes and actually ask me how I am feeling. Imagine that! My insurance dictates that I must see the Cardiologist on each visit. I would feel comfortable just seeing the EP but I like my dr. so I go with the flow. I also think they work well together, the Doc and the EP, both looking out for me and my heart. I feel very lucky that I have these two working so well together.


by Tracey_E - 2009-10-04 11:10:37

My rep always does my interrogations and since he knows my pm inside and out I feel he's best suited to make the adjustments. I rarely even see the cardiologist but the rep will go to him if he has a question or if something has changed. They work as a team but the cardio leaves the technical issues up to the rep. It has worked for me so far!

It's more common for EP's to do the adjustments themselves but most cardiologists in the US don't even have the equipment much less know how to use it.

Hmmm as well...

by Pookie - 2009-10-04 12:10:54

Pookie here again. I'm from Canada as well and my pacemaker checks are meant to be every 6 months which is rare because they are always running behind. I called this past week because my 6 month check was due in September and the lady told me they were running 3 months behind!!

I told her I am having shortness of breath, etc, and somehow she found me an appointment for this coming Friday.

Like Pawgles, there is never a pacermaker Rep there. I only see the pacer tech and then whatever cardiologist happens to be in pacer clinic that week; he stops in at the end of the appt and simply asks how you are doing. Then and only then are changes made if need be.

If we want to meet with a Pacer Rep, here you would have to request it. I know we have just one rep and she works for Medtronics. I met with her once and she was of no help whatsoever.

My pacemaker clinic is in our hospital and there are only 4 of them to cover 3 provinces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's really sad that our hospital cannot afford a few more techs.


Pacemaker Interrogations.

by Jaybee - 2009-10-05 02:10:49

In India where mine was installed, Medtronics technician checks and EP guides him for settings.Before that ECG and chest X- ray are taken,EP discusses with me on conditions before and after interrogations.This is done once in 6 months.

It will only get worse

by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-05 02:10:57

With more and more pacemakers and other electronic devices being implanted it will soon be impossible to have a quality checkup. Just too heavy a workload.

There is talk in the industry about having the programming done remotely. Right now they are only willing to do a checkup over the phone. The main problem is if a wrong setting or an error in transmission causes a person to pass out at least in the office medical help is available, but not on the other end of a phone line.

The other possibility is to have the analysis and settings be done by a computer in the office, but not require someone knowledgeable to make the decisions.

Welcome to the modern world.

By the way, my preference is for the Medronic rep to do the checkup.


Pacer rep

by Fluzy Suzy - 2009-10-05 11:10:40

Hi there
I live in the U.K. and everytime I have my pm checked, not even the cardiologist is there. He relies on his technicians to do the checking. I often ask myself, is this a wise thing or not
Fluzy Suzy

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