potruding edge of pacemaker

Hi. I'm new to the board. I am 41 and active. I had a pacemaker put in 3 weeks ago. I have noticed that the edge of the pacemaker towards my shoulder forms a slight ridge that potrudes slightly . My shirt rubs againt this and it also is causing me some anxiety because I like taking my shirt off in summer at pool parties, etc... Will this possibly go away. My Dr suggested in another month if it still in causing discomfort, we can do a second surgery to replace the pacer. He said the wire beneath it is causing it to raise and that can be moved and adjusted to help it lay flatter in chest. Has anyone had this done? Did it help? Thanks My other post asks about placement under the muscle because he suggested that as an option but said it could cause discomfort of the muscle pressing it against the rib cage when flexed. Does anyone have this done?



by Tracey_E - 2009-06-26 03:06:51

It may settle down with time. There are members here who have had their pm repositioned and were happy with the results.

Putting it under a muscle can be a good option for people who are active. I haven't heard of problems with it rubbing against the rib cage though sometimes you might feel it when you work the muscle. Not pain so much as an awareness.

Go to the pool parties and don't worry about it! This summer you might want to wear a rash guard/sun shirt to keep sun off the incision until it has time to heal more.

Probably a good idea anyways..

by turboz24 - 2009-06-26 05:06:43

Wearing a rash guard/sun shirt might just be a good idea anyways. My ICD protrudes badly, so I keep it covered anyways, but it might still be a good idea with to much sun being a bad thing anyways.

I found that as time progresses mine protruded more as the inflamation went away. As for issues with it under the muscle, that's one thing I'd want to discuss with my current Doc. I don't want to trade off not seeing it for more pain/awareness than I already have.

Give it time

by Lotti - 2009-06-26 05:06:45

Hi...Lotti here.
My PM used to stick out at the top corner where the leads originated.
I was thinking about getting it moved as it hurt too.
I was persuaded to wait by my cardiac surgeon and I'm so glad I did. My body has built up tissue around it and it can no longer be seen. I now have a multitude of bikinis!
If you can bear to wait and give it time please do. The option to have it moved will still be there.

All the best


under the muscle

by nat36 - 2009-06-26 08:06:24

I am 37 and had my pm placed under my muscle. I am very glad that I did. There is not a bump or anything. It does not hurt when I use my muscle at all but I am a female so that might make a difference.
I agree about giving it more time. It may correct itself.
Good luck!


by heartdoc - 2009-06-28 02:06:26

The Zephyr weighs less than an ounce, and is less than 1/4" thick. If it's sticking out, unless you are quite skinny, it probably was not properly placed. It certainly can be repositioned, but you might want someone else to do it--either a plastic surgeon or someone with LOTS of pacemaker implant experience and training. If you want it behind the chest muscle, it should be done by a real surgeon, not a cardiologist. (A lot of cardiologists are self-taught in implants. Technically they do excellent jobs, but esthetically they sometimes fail...)
In any case, there is no hurry.

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.