you gotta be kidding me......

I thought that this was too funny not to share... As some of you may remember I had it out with my last cardiologist for a multitude of reasons. Well I contacted their office last week some time to figure out what they would like to do about a research study I am in... what a shock.. said they would call me back and never did. Secondly.. I got a phone call today from their office from someone wanting to download my pacemaker over the phone to check the battery. How comical is it that ONE I no longer go to their clinic (and they do know that) and TWO my pacemaker is not compatible with doing any sort of phone downloading/batter checks, etc. Got to love the talent there. This is why patients should be knowledgable about their conditions and devices. I called them back and said One I dont seek care at your clinic anymore and two my pacemaker is not compatible with over the phone communication so I have no idea why you are calling. The lady said ohhhhh thank you so much. BUHHHHH BYE!!!!!!


Good one Sam

by ElectricFrank - 2010-02-02 11:02:59

Let's keep em honest. I wish we didn't have to, but...

Glad you can have sense of humor about it.


You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

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