Please Help (Urgent)

I have pacemaker since September 2009. I continue to have uneven heart rate. The heart rate is high while asleep. I used to have continuous pain on the left side of my pacemaker. Sometime it is tolerable and some times it is not tolerable and I am not able to do any thing. Recently I found that whenever I lift my left hand, the pulse rate jumps from 80 to 154. Doctors and PM techs are not able to solve this problem.

Can any one suggest best hospital in Chennai- India to solve my problem



by Tracey_E - 2010-03-11 01:03:22

It sounds to me like you need a new dr. You may want to check with your pm manufacturer and ask them for a list of local drs they work with.

aru456 Urgent please help

by jerrypacemaker - 2010-03-11 03:03:41

your Docs are 100% wrong. Since you are considering going to India(I assume your in despair overt this) I would be, I know you wouldn't mind making a trip to Philadelphia. This is were my EP Doc is located. His name is DR Francis Marchlinski, He heads The Electropysiological Department at The Hosptial of University of Pennsylvania. I sought him out when i was diagnosed in 1997.(with Chronic Afib). He is one of the top Docs in his field in the world. I know him very well. Dr Marchlinski would never, never say, there is nothing he can do , live with it. He would work on you until he found a suitable treatment. Contact me and I will give you all the details. Do not give up!!!!!!

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