I was in AAI-R mode a year, now I'm in DDD-R. Could there have been heart damage done during that year? Slick



by Tracey_E - 2010-11-16 07:11:54

You might feel different, but it's just two different ways of pacing, neither one will do any damage. It's not uncommon to change settings around trying to get you feeling better and/or make your battery lost.

Difference AAI-R vs DDD-R

by ElectricFrank - 2010-11-17 01:11:55

The only difference in the 2 modes is that AAI-R provides only atrial support while DDD-R will provide ventricular pacing if AV block occurs. If a block had occurred in your AV system you would have known about it. So switching to DDD-R simply provides backup and likely isn't doing anything different than before unless some other setting was changed at the same time. According to one article AAI or AAI-R modes is rarely used in the United States.

enjoy your pacer,


Mode switch

by camgough - 2011-05-11 08:05:28

I have an Adapta ADDRL1 that was originally set to DDDR mode.In Dec changed to DDD amd just today changed to AAI/DDD mode. Will automatically switch between AAI and DDD as needed. After surgery I had complete block, which has apparently gone away (how much is unknown). All good news!

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Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

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