Any Experience w/Gyms

Hello everyone, new here and excited about hearing from regular folks and not all the doctor hype.

I recently joined a 24 hr fitness facility and I told them up front I had a pacer and asked if I would incurr any problems with certain motorized equipment and/or magnets in any of the equipment. They seemed totally dazed as the thought that a person with a pacer actually invade the domain of the physically fit gods.

My question: Does it hurt or hamper someone to get on a motorized treadmill? Any other equipment? What about issues with the saunas or hot tubs?  I know you can’t do any lifting - ie freeweights.  Any gym stuff someone can recommend to keep in shape without stressing the old pacer?

I would love some feedback and thanks everyone for being here.



Go for it !

by lahbigbro6 - 2009-07-08 02:07:56

I use a treadmill, bike, pilates machine, at home, no problems. I also, have a hot tub in my backyard. I was in it this weekend. They were covering their liability issues, I worked in the insurance industry for 18 years. They do not have the knowledge about pacemakers. Have fun at your gym, good luck.

You'll be fine

by Bionic Man - 2009-07-08 04:07:14

You'll be fine on a treadmill. Don't give up on lifting weights. Just give yourself some time. I lift regularly without any problems. I do avoid doing heavy pulldowns or any exercise where a lot of overhead stretching is invovled. Listen to your body. It will let you know if you're doing too much.

No problems at the gym

by joni - 2009-07-08 04:07:51

I returned to the gym for daily workouts as soon as I could after my pacemaker implant and have experienced no problems with equipment or weights or indeed with gym employees wondering what I'm doing there.

no problems

by DC Pacer - 2009-07-08 06:07:25

ditto for me; I travel for work and the treadmill / stationary bike have become my best friends when overnight on the road. No issues whatsoever with either one. Good to hear you are not letting your implant stop you from doing what you want!

Not an Issue

by tuck3lin - 2009-07-08 12:07:32

A lot of people on this forum will probably chime in and tell you that working out in the gym is not an issue. I use the treadmill and stationary bike, run, and do occasional lifting all the time. As do many others that post here. A few are even fit enough to run marathons (beyond my level of endurance, however; at 50, I'm only good for 5K or 10K). According to all literature and personal experience, motorized exercise equipment will not affect your pacemaker. Neither will saunas or hot tubs. You'll want to limit overhead lifts until the scar tissue has formed around your leads -- give it at least a couple of months. After that, let your body be your guide.

All is well

by Brosef - 2009-07-10 01:07:41

I've used all types of stationary equipment as well as free weights. I've never had a single issue with my pacer from any of this, even when lifting very heavily with free weights. The absolute only worry I would stress is about stretching out your pectoral muscle on your pacer side. My pacer is under my pectoral, but the reason I mention the caution is that perhaps if you stretch this out too much you may place too much tension on the leads and worst case scenario dislodge them. But, again, I've never had a single problem and have lifted weights for years as well as used stationary equipment, and when I say over-stretching I mean a serious serious stretch that would probably wouldn't occur because the muscle would hurt too much as it would require you to be incredibly flexible. So, go ahead and don't worry about it.

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