St Jude ICD

My ICD battery went from 2.55 to 2.52. I was at 2.55 for 9 months.Has anyone had a similar situation and how long did you stay at 2.52 ? I'm getting nervous because Medicare replaces it at 2.45 ?




by ElectricFrank - 2010-05-12 11:05:37

A better measurement of battery condition is its impedance. The battery in my Medtronics stayed in the range of 2.71-2.78 right up to replacement. However, the impedance started at 0.1 ohms and slowly increased to 100 ohms at replacement time.

Your reading of 2.55-2.52 may be lower than mine because of a different battery or possibly settings that draw more current. Does your report show an estimated remaining life for the battery?


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