
Just wanted to introduce myself. I got a pacemaker on 7/8/09, after battling with low pulse and exhaustion for a few months. I also was found out to have persistent left superior vena cava, which was not detected before the surgery. So my lead was put in differently than most other patients. But I just wanted to introduce myself. Hope to make some new friends on here.



by DC Pacer - 2009-07-10 03:07:48

I am a relatively new member as well, but welcome! This is a great place for information, advice and understanding.

DCPacer - Dave


by pete - 2009-07-10 03:07:57

Hi welcome to our club. All genuine pacemaker patients get a really warm welcome here and you will learn a lot about yourself and others as time goes by.. Cheers Peter


by pezzypooh - 2009-07-10 04:07:42

Hi, Jimmy412! Welcome to the club...I am fairly new as well...got my pacer on 4/13/09...so, please, by all means, use this club as much as possible. I have found so many answers and so much support from all those that have been through the same trials and tribulations here! Keep us up to date on what is going on with you while you heal and move on with a better life! My heart is so happy that you are here!!! Pezzypooh


by COBradyBunch - 2009-07-10 06:07:03

As a newbie (PM Implant 6/23/09) myself for syncope bradycardia (a heart that while otherwise healthy but likes to take naps of several seconds which causes my brain to then take a nap of its own) I welcome you to a great group of people who are full of great info and support. Like you I am one of the middle of the age group here (and I thought only old folks got PM's before I got mine) and you will find a wide range of people with a wide range of knowledge. Share your questions, experiences and whatever. Welcome aboard.


by MsM - 2009-07-10 06:07:36

Welcome from me also...I'm a new member as of June 22nd, 2009. I've found a world of support and information on this site and caring and understanding folks abound!
Kelli (MsM)

Hi there!!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-07-11 05:07:38

I was going to say i'm a newbie but just realised its been 8 months now, doesnt time fly when you are having fun. They really are a great bunch of people on here, you can rant and rave, you can laugh and cry, but the support is always here, dont be afraid to use it. Hey Brady I think my brain is taking the odd nap every now and then as well" lol


by Shirley - 2009-07-12 02:07:21

Welcome to the club Jimmy. This is a great place to find answers to many of the questions we are all faced with. People here are very generous with their responses and own experiences.

I also endured low energy and pulse rate for several months prior to going into complete heart block. I pace 100% in the ventricular and only 2% atrial. I did know that I have a serious lung problem from youth, superior vena cava, with significant scar tissue covering both sides of my lungs. My MD conveyed this to the cardiologist and surgeon and they implanted my PM in my lower left abdomen. As you know, they need to put you under for this & being a deeper incision, I believe it takes longer recovery time. I was hospitalized for 6 days.Thanks to comments from Electric Frank, I had them make a few alterations to my settings which really helped and after 2 months or so, I started to feel more normal again.

I also rec'd a link to the following website from Swedeheart which you might also find helpful.
"Here is a short explanation of pacemakers and placement (abdomen included) at the Cleveland Heart Clinic page:"

Feel free to ask any questions you might have come up since there are not many of us on this site with this type of implant although we all have similar concerns with our PM and learn to realize that life can be just as good, if not better with these ticking devices.


by jimmy412 - 2009-07-12 05:07:55

Thanks for all your comments and help! I appreciate it.

You know you're wired when...

You get your device tuned-up for hot dates.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.