Weight loss

I have recently lost 25 pounds and am working on 15 more. Since I have lost the weight, my device is driving me crazy! It's like the extra weight was padding it. Has anyone else had this problem?? Any suggestions??


Weight Loss

by donb - 2009-07-14 03:07:01

Just returned from my Plastic Surgeon appoint as weight loss tends to be a problem with PMs' under the skin. After 4weeks my old left chest site restoration surgery failed. My Cardiologist would not approve to cutting excess old leads as should have been done so now one end cap is eroding again and another surgery is being planned as I type this post. Now, finally the leads will be cut, positioned under a good sized padding and another boob lift.

The reason my old leads were left in as 17 years of implant is a high risk for removal even with laser. One of my experiences with being too skinny is proper installation of any PM and leads and proper positioning and fastening of installed hardware. Today materials are available to pad the hdwe as some of us just don't have the body fat to do that job.

I was happy to have this Surgeon admit that he should have done it right June 8th, as a lot of installations have given patients problems because of PMs' and leads moving. Sooo, a little extra weight is not all bad!!

Some problems

by johnb10000 - 2009-07-14 04:07:24

When they put the pacemaker in I weighed about 240 pounds and gained weight up to almost 280 pounds. If I kept eating the nausea from the drugs wasn't as bad.

Since January I have lost about fifty pounds and have thirty to go to get to my ideal weight of 200 pounds.

They were times when the pacemaker was driving me crazy and the leads going to the heart pressed against the skin and hurt. The pacemaker and leads moved around and the the problems went away. The pacemaker is now very noticeable so I will leave my shirt on in a pool.

A women on the ICD Forums..

by turboz24 - 2009-07-14 05:07:41

There is a woman on the ICD forums, in her first pics you could not even tell she had an ICD, but once she lost a lot of weight (I think 100+ lbs), now it looks like her ICD is about to burst through her skin. I mean, you can see it through a thick sweater now.

I mean, mine has always looked bad, but I'd hate to do all that work and effort to loose that weight to only be "Rewarded" with the ugly hump.

I just will never been seen shirtless....

You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

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My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.