Pacers Unite!!

Hi Gang,
Well, my "installation" date is officially set for July 27th. I'll be getting my Medtronic Bi Ventricular Pacemaker on that date. I've been on the site for about a month when I got the news, but the date has been up in the air.
During that time, I posted quite a few messages under "drpod89". . . but I changed user ID's because I did not want anyone to think I was a doctor. I do try to give advice and perspective to other postings when I have time. . . and I appreciate all the others who responded to me as well.

I lead an active lifestyle (ot at least, I USED to) and the doc hopes I can get back to most of the things I was doing 2 years ago. . .

I will post as much as possible about what I am trying to do physically, how I feel and any other tips and/or advice I come across post-pacer installation.

Thanks again to all of you for your kind posts and brave stories. I am proud of all of you.

I will try to post a few more times in the next week, and then as soon as I can after the surgery. I'm sure my posts/thoughts will jump around quite a bit (hey, I'm nervous you know) but I believe the details may help others out there who are going through or will go through the same thing.

Wish me luck!!!


Good luck!

by petrolhead - 2009-07-16 06:07:39

I hope everything goes well, and that you can get back to doing what you always used to.

Emma xxx

Private message

by petrolhead - 2009-07-16 08:07:57

I just tried to send you a private message but it doesn't seem to think your username exists, so I sent it to DrPod89 instead.

Emma xxx


by pete - 2009-07-17 03:07:04

Hope they are giving you a AV node ablation as well some time later after leads have fixated. Cheers Peter

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You can proudly say you’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.