
I'm in my 5th post week for my PM, I want to start running soon, I have been walking alot but - with bounding from running will it hurt me? any females out there who went back to running and how did it feel?
I may wear 2 bras?? not sure of that tho-
any advice?



by Tracey_E - 2009-08-10 08:08:03

It's great that you feel up to running again! Has your doctor cleared you for exercise? If you're otherwise healthy and the pm more or less fixes your problems, it's probably ok but sometimes they want us to take it easy a bit longer, so you might want to ask before pushing it too much.

My pm is buried deep behind the breast rather than just under the skin so I was sore a lot longer than average. I wore a tight fitting maximum support jog bra for working out but it was still a few months before anything high impact didn't make me sore. I skipped the step classes and stuck to spin and rollerblading for a while.

I got the bras at Sports Authority, if I remember correctly Champion is the one that makes various levels of support. I think that would be more comfortable than squeezing into two!

Start out easy and see how you feel, we're all different so there's no one answer.


by patio - 2009-08-10 08:08:12

I always had trouble with jog bras, like getting them over my head for one! I did get a new one that has hooks in the back - high impact
I'm a little worried about pulling the skin around my PM
I don't see the Dr. till the end of the month, maybe something super slow to start?


by Tracey_E - 2009-08-10 08:08:33

If it doesn't hurt, don't worry about pulling the skin. You'll feel pain long before you'll hurt the pm.

I'm with ya on pulling them over the head! Sometimes I think I'm gonna get stuck, lol. But they're the only kind I've found that give enough support so I live with it. What kind has the hooks? I tend to buy the same thing over and over without looking to see what's new.

If you don't see the doc for a while, you might want to just call the office and ask. You know that saying, it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission? He he, that's my motto and following instructions is not my forte ... but it's not always smart LOL. So, my official answer is call and ask. :o)


by patio - 2009-08-10 09:08:25

the moving comfort with underwires and hooks in the back
not too bad

Pain from running

by ElectricFrank - 2009-08-10 10:08:20

After 5 weeks you aren't going to do any damage so the best way to check out the pain is to take a test drive. Run down the block and back. Use the results to adjust how vigorous you get. I would just try a short run first and see how it feels the next day. If this all works out GO FOR IT.


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