1. Swelling 2. Driving

I am now 8 days post implant and really feel much more energy and am so pleased. I am still quite swollen & back/blue/yellow/green and it looks like I have about a half of a hard boiled egg sticking out of my chest. Will it disappear completely over time or will it always still have a noticeable bump? (Im 59 and fairly muscular & have a Medtronic PM).
DRIVING - how soon do most people start driving after surgery - I have an automatic trans. and feel ready, but my doc had said 2 weeks - is she just being overly cautious?
Thanks for your feedback.



by Angelie - 2009-08-14 01:08:13

The swelling should continue to subside, however it will take weeks for things to "settle" in. If anything looks unusual to you, or causes pain or worry, don't hesitate to call your physician and ask questions.
I take it you've been told all of your post-op restrictions. No driving for 2 weeks is pretty standard. I felt fine to drive as well but was told that driving could cause you to make sudden arm movements that are contraindicated and therefore puts your lead(s) at risk.
Docs generally state NO lifting anything more than 5 pounds on your affected side. As well as not lifting your affected arm above your head for 6 weeks. All of the restrictions are used as a precaution to allow your lead(s) time to properly adhere to the heart tissue. If your lead(s) dislodge than you'll have to have them reattached.

Hope this helps a bit,

No driving restrictions, 5 lbs lifting for 4 weeks

by COBradyBunch - 2009-08-14 03:08:15

those were the only restrictions I had, could drive the next day and was told no lifting more than 5 lbs with the left arm for 4 weeks. After that had no restrictions at all.

As for the lump, depends on how they put it in. Mine was put in in/under the muscle and doesn't show nearly at all but others are just sub-dermal and are very visible lump. Check with your doc on how they installed it.

Thank you

by milosax - 2009-08-14 08:08:30

I appreciate your taking the time to respond.
I am so new to this and am getting so much information by reading everyone's comments.

Best regard,

Id do what the doc said

by walkerd - 2009-08-15 07:08:27

I for one didnt care if the doc was being overcautious, thats thier job, I did what I was told to do, I thought hey I didnt go to college to be a doctor, didnt spend 6 more years or whatever in intership, to question a person making 200 bucks an half hour, lol, but seriously I do not understand why people dont do what the doctor says, its not like we just had a tooth filled. To each his own, but I guess my cercumstances where different. Why take a chance in pulling a lead loose. Best of luck with whatever you deciede to do.



by tlw1013 - 2009-08-15 09:08:41

I had surgery three weeks ago and I had the question. I have a very noticable bump. I was told it will go down over time and I hope it does.
I was released to drive after two weeks. My pacemaker is on the left side and they were concerned because the seat belt crosses it.
It has been an adjustment for me. I have actually experienced a little more pain this week than I did in previous weeks after surgery, but I think that is the healing from inside and it is itching some. Which the nurse says is the healing process.
I am glad to find this site.


by ShadowWeaver - 2009-08-15 12:08:56

Well, probably not the best idea, but I drove home the 85 miles from the hospital the day after my implant.


by Beckes76 - 2009-10-15 12:10:31

I remember not driving for two weeks. ny roommate drove me to work for three days then that Monday I drove my self to my appointment. They Okayed me to drive. It felt very strange because my incision is on my left side. While I was a passenger I was fine. I literally put a towel under the seat belt for about a week to get use to it. It helped.

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