driving restriction

I've been restricted from driving since my EP figured out that my tachycardia was causing me to pass out (not that it was actually the cause but the period of time between tachy and normal rhythm when my heart does nothing causes me to pass out) without any warning. It is understandable, not being allowed to drive. I am having an ablation tomorrow and am wondering how long after an ablation people were removed from driving restriction? I have four jobs and am a full time student and do not live in an area with public transportation so I'm just wondering if this lasts for a long time afterwards or not?


ask the doc

by Tracey_E - 2009-08-17 06:08:30

As bob said, different states have different rules, and doctors vary. My guess is they'll want to wait at least 4-6 weeks after the ablation before letting you behind the wheel again. I totally understand your frustration but it's going to take some time to be sure the ablation works and you are safe to drive again. Best of luck to you tomorrow!

driving restriction

by bowlrbob - 2009-08-17 12:08:51

Different state probably have different rules but I think most say that you cannot have a pass out for 6 months. That is what I dealt with in my state of Oregon. And you really have to watch this as yopur Dr. is requiered to put this in you medical records. If you drive before this and get in trouble. Your troubles will just be beginning. Good luck with your procedures. Bowlrbob


by justme - 2009-08-18 12:08:16

it totally didn't go well today, but thank you for your support. I'm now on a minimum 3 months driving restriction and they're doing the procedure again and then probably 3 months after that.

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