
I know that it is summer an all, but over the past few days I have been swelling up like a balloon, legs, arms, fingers, face, even my elbows are swollen. My cardio(s) are on vacation, so I'm thinking of making an appointment with a GP...sound like a plan? Things like this just make me nervous, but the swelling is painful. I am totally off of meds right now and just don't really want to start anything and don't really want a non-heart doc perscribing something that could impact my heart, although I guess that all of this fluid is probably impacting my heart a ton right now.
I know I'm ramblling, but just trying to convince myself that I need to be seen ASAP.


Make an appointment

by Blue - 2010-07-29 08:07:52

Best that you see your medico asap. Could mean you do need some meds for the swelling only your GP can advise.

All the best. Billie


by Tracey_E - 2010-07-29 11:07:15

You need to be seen. Does the cardio have someone filling in while they're gone?

don't wait.

by Pookie - 2010-07-29 11:07:17

Please don't wait. Call your primary doctor or your family doctor (whatever you call him/her).

I too developed swelling in my feet all the way up to my knees and it was not painful but it sure was sore and uncomfortable and this seems to always happen in the summer too, but what you are describing seems way worse.

I was put on hydrochlorothiazi 12.5mgs (baby dose) and it has helped wonders!!!!!! however on really hot & humid days my legs don't swell like they did (but they do swell just a bit) but I do still have the soreness, sort of like my tendons have been stretched too far or I've worked my legs out too much at the gym.

Please don't wait for your cardio doc to return as you don't want to risk or miss something that could be fixed now. Why wait would be the question I'd be asking myself.

Swelling, like you said, could be not good for your heart, or it could be something going on with your heart, I'm just guessing - as what do I know, right....but I'm just thinking of swelling and the connection of the heart pumping properly.

Call your doc asap.

Better safe than sorry...right. :)



by justme - 2010-07-30 01:07:07

everyone and their uncle is on vacation today!!!
I have called the cardio service...their response: no Dr.'s in today!
I called 2 different priamary care places that I attend...their response: no Dr.'s in today!
I now have an appointment with student health services at the university b/c they are the only ones with Dr's available...only problem there is that they have no diagnostic anything available and will probably send me to the ER. Just a guess...appointment in 2 hours.

You need to be seen ASAP

by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-30 01:07:10

The extent of your swelling is a sign that something is going on. I could be as simple as an allergic reaction to something or as serious as congestive heart failure. Even the allergy thing though can suddenly turn serious if it causes swelling in your throat.



by justme - 2010-07-30 05:07:04

It turns out that the only available Dr. must have gotten her degree in ignorance. Her conclusion: I'm fat.
I've gained 10 pounds since Wednesday (that's totally normal right?) and my body is completely swollen, it took 2 minutes for her fingerprints to dissappear from my legs...but nope. I'm just fat.
She reminded me of why I never go to the Dr.

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