
I am 27 years old and had a tilt table done 6 years the time they recommended a pacemaker but it scared me so i didnt follow up......... My symptoms are passing out on the tilt table, very LOW blood pressure, and HIGH heart rate. Ive read it only helps low heart rate???


Young And Maybe Getting A Pacemaker

by SMITTY - 2009-08-03 05:08:39

Hello Mbethell,

What you have read is correct in some cases. It depends on what is causing you high heart rate. If you are having atrial fibrillation there are pacemakers that can interrupt that and stop A-fib. Also, if you are having A-fib, when an episode of that ends the heart rate can drop to a very low rate for which can cause passing out.

If you are having ventricular fibrillation, then you would need a defibrillator. They look essentially the same as a pacemaker. In fact there are devices on the market to day that incorporate both devices in one unit.

I do not know of any effect on blood pressure from either device, but that is not to say it would not have any.

With all that said, you need to see a doctor and start over. After six years your problem may be totally different and may not need another tilt table test, but it could be required. One thing I will say is do not fear the pacemaker or defibrillator. The surgery takes only an hour or so and some go home the same day and it is extremely seldom that anyone has to stay longer than one night. Healing of the incision takes only a few days and seldom calls for a return trip to the doctor. You will have to go in occasionally for pacemaker checkup, but those are less than thirty minutes while they do what looks like and EKG to find out what is going on with pacemaker and make any changes necessary in the settings.

I wish you good luck


Ditto Smitty

by DC Pacer - 2009-08-03 06:08:07

I can only ditto Smitty's comments - my ignoring of the symptoms that I had nearly cost me my life.

I would recommend seeing a cardiologist and and EP to confirm your condition and take the appropriate methods to correct it. It's not a big deal...



by DC Pacer - 2009-08-03 06:08:29

I am 35 and ignored my condition for 5-6 years. That was just about my entire hourglass, because I had two life threatening events within a period of months...

You are not too young.


by mbethell - 2009-08-03 07:08:33

Thanks everyone. I did indeed see my Dr again. He seems puzziled due to my mixed symptoms..... I thought high fast rate meant defibrilator.......

My big question is, Could you see a difference after the pacemaker? What types of things did you see????

pacers are NOT fix alls

by Angelie - 2009-08-03 09:08:02

Pacemakers will not stop a fast heart rate....
Ditto to everyone that's already commented. See a doctor, start over and see what they determine is the best plan for you. You might not need a pacer/ICD at all, but if you do you've already found this place....

Good luck,

Was Younger Too

by lahbigbro6 - 2009-08-04 01:08:07

I am sorry, I read my post. I am NOT trying to scare you, just give you info. Sorry for my mistake.

Was Younger Too

by lahbigbro6 - 2009-08-04 01:08:49

I also was in my mid 20's when I started passing out. I started taking seizure drugs. Then about 8 years ago I started passing out again. A doctor sent me for a tilt table test and failed. But, I really was not sure what the next step was ? or not educated on this. The doctor did give me a pill to increase my blood pressure. But, then I passed out at work and they sent for a medical team because my heart rate was low. Next thing I know I was getting a pacemaker. Now at 50, I go about my day not knowing its there and I still take seizure drugs because that is a separate health problem. I am trying to scare you. I just wanted to tell you my story. Go to a doctor who will take time explaining things to you. Its alot of information. Good luck.

Go for it!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-08-04 03:08:28

Hi there, i was a teenager when i started passing out, dizzy spells in my 20's, passing out when pregnant, no one, but no one ever thought i had a heart problem. Sooooooooo all the years of getting out of breath and always being the last up the mountain, my husband telling me i was out of condition or lazy could have been avoided.

I got an emergency pm at 55, yes 55, all those wasted years! Go for it, get a good quality of life NOW!!!

I feel great!


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