Replacement Surgery

Well, I made it through my replacement surgery. However, they sent me home with nothing - nothing for pain and nothing in case of infection. And waking up this morning I felt as though someone had been beating my chest, shoulder and neck with an aluminium baseball bat. The doctor on call was surprised and wrote up a prescription for Percoset.

I'm now a much happier camper though it looks like my incision is kind of swollen and it itching like hell already. Any tips or things I should be concerned about? My initial surgery was nine years ago and to be truthful, I barely remember recovery (had an infant at the time along with 2 other kids).

One funny thing about my original surgery that won't happen this time - about a week or so after my surgery, while taking a shower, I did my usual breast exam. I screamed to my husband at the time that I felt a lump. He came running and asked where. When I showed him, he looked at me and asked if I had truly forgotten I had a pacemaker LOL. Amazing how things like this can become a part of your life so quickly :)



by Smart Redd - 2009-08-16 01:08:58

I've been a scab picker most of my life. I was surprised that I never scratched or picked at my incision. From the first time I washed the incision, I kept it covered with Vaseline. It must have done some good, because I don't remember it ever itching.

Once an area seemed healed, I applied an anti-scaring cream.

Nothing sent home for pain. Probably because I didn't ask for anything after my surgery anyway. Uncomfortable? Yes. Painful? Not by my perception.



by Tracey_E - 2009-08-16 07:08:32

Plain aloe- not the kind with any additives- will help with the itching tho I've always waited until it closes up to start using it. I switch to vitamin E ointment to help with the scar.

I've had three replacements. They usually send me home with a prescrip but I've never filled it, so far I've been able to get by on Tylenol but we all have different tolerances for pain. It's best to take something and stay ahead of it than deal with it and let it get bad!

I've never been sent home with antibiotics.

Keep an eye on the swelling and redness. If it gets any worse or the red turns to streaks, call the dr immediately.

Tolerance for pain

by sbullo - 2009-08-20 01:08:43

I usually have a rather high tolerance for pain and don't have a need for pain pills. But this time around, it's bothering the heck out of me. It is painful to get up out of bed no matter how I try to keep any pressure off of the area and moving my arm in any fashion causes pain. My mother saw the incision yesterday and she feels it may be infected. I rather doubt that (it's white and puffy not red) but am scheduled to see my pacer people today.

I'm also sleeping wayyy too much again. It's reminiscent of when I didn't have the pacer (18 hours a day of sleep). I'm hoping this indicates a need for a bit of tweaking on the pacer settings.

Thanks for the advice on how to help with the itching! I'll let you all know how the check-up went :)

All is good now

by sbullo - 2009-10-15 08:10:42

Well, the itching and pain and such faded away. The only thing bothering me is how much more I feel this one than I did the last. Odd.

Me too

by Beckes76 - 2009-10-15 12:10:11

My last two replacement surgeries I don't remeber coming home with any antibiotics at all. I guess I have a high tolerence for that kind of pain.

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A pacemaker completely solved my problem. In fact, it was implanted just 7 weeks ago and I ran a race today, placed first in my age group.