
Hi All,

Been reading this for a while and just joined today. I have a dual chamber defib/pacemaker put in on 6-16-09. I had it put in at the Cleveland Clinic and they seemed a lot more liberal with what I can and cannot do. My EP in WI is much more restrictive. My defib went off on 7-6-09 my heart rate was 300 bpm. I have a BBB and Dilated Cardiomyopathy.

Here is my question...I love playing pick up basketball at the Y, my doctor here says no way and the doctors in Cleveland said sure go ahead. I am 39 yrs old and in decent shape but, with out the competiveness of basketball I won't exercise.

One more thing...he also said no benchpressing. Well how do you build chest muscle again then?

Would love to hear all of your opinions.



bi-vent vs dual

by Tracey_E - 2009-08-11 05:08:28

Bi-ventricular is 3 leads- atrial and one in each ventricle. Dual means one in atria and one in ventricle.

Give it a try

by Bionic Man - 2009-08-11 08:08:39

I also have a Dilated Cardiomyopathy, I never heard of it until I was diagnosed. I have a dual lead pacemaker. I am also an avid weightlifter. Before I was treated the Myopathy would bother me during exertion. I told my Dr I wanted to get back to lifting weights and if it would be a problem. He was a little hesitant at first but then said it would be fine. I bench press three times a week. I haven't had any issues. I'm no longer pushing heavy weights but I like the fact I can still handle some intense workouts. The Myopathy hasn't given me any problems. I believe Dr's will always be cautious. Just listen to what your body is saying. I'm only 46 and I know I'm not ready for a rocking chair.

pick one

by Tracey_E - 2009-08-11 11:08:32

Me, I'd pick the advice I like best! :o) My doctor is very liberal and I don't have any restrictions other than avoiding magnets. If I wanted to play tackle football or wrestle, I imagine he'd express an opinion. Contact sports are generally frowned on for us. We have plenty of members here who lift weights and play basketball. The only risk in bb is a direct hit to the pm. You won't hurt the pm, but it will smart like crazy. You could get a guard if you're worried about it but most don't bother. The doctors who say no benchpressing do so because they think there is a risk to the leads. Not saying it's impossible, but I've never once heard of a case of that happening. If you feel pulling, back off, but give it a try and see how you feel.

Decisions Decisions

by mike thurston - 2009-08-11 12:08:31

First thing is if the Cleveland Clinic says go for it then that would be good enough for me. They are the top dog in that realm. I am 57 yrs. old and have a Medtronic ICD/PM, am 100% PM dependent with AV Node Ablation and in Permanent A-Fib. I have 1/3rd of my heart dead and a stent. I lift, rock climb, road and mountain bike and if my knees would let me I would play b-ball as it was my first love but there is nothing left after 2 scopes on each knee. Having said that it is all a risk compared to taking it easy and each person has to do what makes them happy. A ship is safest in port but that is not where a ship belongs. No crystal ball but a lot of folks have died in many different ways while I have sit around and tried to out fox the reaper. It is hard to say what is right especially if you are getting shocked but weigh the info. and do what feels right to you. Can't really fault the Doctor for being conservative and you are right there is a wide difference of opinions and attitudes within the Medical Community.



by zoie - 2009-08-12 10:08:34

Hi Dino,
My name is Sharon and my daughter Zoie has had a pm since she was three. After searching the internet and picking the brains of many doctors to see what was available to protect her pm and coming up with nothing, I developed a product called PaceGuard. Please check with your doctors if this is something that could benefit you. There have been many pacers from here that have ordered our product...and we are now working with Blake on the first annual pacemaker club social and Heartbeat International. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at always say...
"Play for Life!

Dino C

by GMan - 2009-08-17 09:08:07

How about Flyes with dumbbells. I learned this from Mike Mentzer, Bodybuilder. He said they are better than bench and if you look at his pictures he's not lacking. You would be moving to the side and not pushing up. Let me know your thoughts!

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