
I've had my pacemaker for over 5 years now. It's funny how much I don't even realize it anymore. The only thing that bothers me is that people love to give friendly shoves, and it always seems to be in the spot where my pacemaker is! Even people who know I have one sometimes forget. They wonder why it hurts like hell, then they realize...oh well, guess it's good that people don't think too hard about it.


Try a warning sign

by ElectricFrank - 2009-08-14 01:08:53

How about taping a picture of a bomb with a trigger button on your shirt over the pacer? (:


thats what you get

by walkerd - 2009-08-14 07:08:15

for horseplay lol just kidding the same thing happened to me with the slugs in the arm, but after they did it they realized it and for fifeteen min i had to listen to apoligies, after a while it all stoped, because I stoped the horseing around. It will settle down, just becareful and dont let it go to far.


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!