Hate taking meds!

I am up to the following five(5) meds to date:

Levothyroxin 1/Am................sluggish thyroid
Lisinopril 1/AM.................blood pressure
Sotolol 1/AM, 1/PM.......Beta Blocker
Coumadin 1/PM................Thinner
Simvastatin 1/PM................Cholesterol

I drink 4/oz. of milk before taking the meds(excepting Levothyroxin) so that's 12/oz per day. I seem to feel good doing this instead of plain water or a little food. Any comments on this? This seems to me like a powerful mix, I know there are people taking a lot more than this!

P.S> My uncle was drinking up to 2/gal. a day of milk...but he was on HEAVY, HEAVY meds and painkillers. He was rearended while relaxing in a parked vehicle in Erie, PA Your comments on taking meds as always, appreciated!



by Blueaustralia - 2009-09-07 07:09:34

We need milk for calcium. My husband is on Simvastatin. But, I buy low fat milk

Cheers Blue.

Great Comments!

by GMan - 2009-09-08 08:09:31

No Soya for me...never used! I am mostly interested in coating the stomach before the meds hit there. The milk seems to be working well. Relaxes me and coats and I don't feel that I have used meds at all. I am using whole, then 2%, then chocolate milk. Trying to keep it interesting!


Ask your doctor!

by hturatram - 2009-09-08 12:09:03

I am on similar medications but even more! Coumadin was too strong for me so I take Plavix. I am sensitive to milk and use soy milk for my cereal but never drink any!
The safest way is to consult your doctor or get a referral to a dietician/ nutritionist.

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