1St Official Workout this AM!

I decided to go the route of all dumbbells...not because I'm one! I felt that there would be more flexibility and control. I used an old York Barbell Chart. I started with 5lb dumbbells...real light for me and a long way from my 300lb. bench press. Was an enjoyable session. Checked pulse OK in the 70's. 8 reps appx. 10 exercises. I will add a rep each AM then at 12 increase the weight.



Had to work back up to...

by turboz24 - 2009-09-17 10:09:14

I had to work back up to "normal" weights, since I had dropped 20% of my body weight and 20+% of my strength during my "off time" from the implant procedure.

Can't wait

by Bodhi - 2009-09-17 11:09:41

Glad to hear you are back at it Gary. I can't wait to start working out again. I had my ICD implanted on August 31st. I've been walking on a treadmill at the gym just to stay in my routine.
Unfortunately, I have to have a lead reattached next Friday so it might push my timeline back a little bit.
Still glad to hear about others returning to workouts!


by hotreds - 2009-09-19 02:09:17

Good onya! I'm gonna start up on Monday- real e-z like. I called the doc who actually implanted the device(done emergency style not locally) and his phone answerer said I could do anything after six weeks. That, along with the local quack telling me I could do anything after three weeks, makes me think I AM good to go!

Pump that iron!

You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

I am a 58 year old woman, race cars, ski at 13,000+ feet, work out daily, have become a second-degree black-belt in Karate, run a business - no limitations.