Detox anyone?

OK, many of us are taking a hand full of meds!!! Is anyone using Detox supplements? Are they a hoax. Dr. Sinatra, Cardiologist is recommending them(he sells them) It has been said that the body never completely breaks the meds down?? Your input always appreciated!



Many Approaches

by wiredwoman - 2009-10-13 06:10:55

Hi Gary,

I always think simple is best. Here's my two cents:

The purpose of most cleanses/detox programs is ultimately to lighten the liver's load. That's the firewall, you could say, between health and illness. It has about 500 functions, not the least of which is removing toxins. Medications, being unnatural substances, add to the load. Drinking lots of pure water, fresh green juices, and eating fresh (primarily raw) food, subtract from it - a lot. So does lowering sugar intake and stress, getting more oxygen, exercise etc...the common sense stuff.

Those things alone, in my opinion, are the best place to start, and you may already be there, i don't know. They're easy, inexpensive, and very cleansing in and of themselves, and there are no herbal/medication interactions.

To that you can also add powdered green juices that contain spirulina, Klamath blue green, wheatgrass, barley grass and/or other green 'superfoods'. We're still not talking herbs/pills, and yet this is deeply cleansing.

Then there are, as you mention, products marketed as detox supps, usually herbal based, and many are quite good, safe and effective. I've taken a variety over the years. Personally I avoid the private label products sold by many doctors. I've found that the docs who carry them generally are more familiar with the profit margin (very high) than the products themselves. Even familiar brands are usually a lot cheaper elsewhere. That may just be my experience though, and your doc's supps might be green-based, quite good and affordable to boot.

If shopping on your own, Renew Life and Nature's Secret are two pretty mainstream lines of cleanse kits that are easy to find, though there are many others. I believe Renew Life makes one for first timers. Please note that i don't take meds, so you'd have to check herbal/drug interactions.

If you want to know more, here are some highly respected leaders in the alternative health field you can Google - I believe all have written books and should have their own websites: David Wolfe, Charlotte Gerson, Dean Ornish, Ann Wigmore...can't think of more right now, but that's a good start.

To your good health!


hi gary

by jessie - 2009-10-13 11:10:59

some meds stay in the body for 2 weks. one is marijana. antidepressants tranquil;izwes pain medication like tyl 3 that is all i know and how long our drugs stay you just look up druglife when you visit the drug site jessie oh have a nice day gary

Thanks WiredWoman & Jessie...

by GMan - 2009-10-14 08:10:18

Excellent comments. And WW I'm going to use your response as a guide.


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