Take time to smell the Flowers!!!

The leaves this year were nice, but not as spectacular. Not enough warm days of Indian Summer and a lot of rain. But anyway I travelled Route 40 East towards the Uniontown mountains. Bright oranges, reds, yellows, browns with pockets of colors all around. The Uniontown mountain is a high one that will test your car......a little hairy on the other side..steep!!! Woodland Zoo is on the far side, as well as Nemacolin Woodlands(5 star resort) Many, many leaves but today a lot are already down. Back across the mountain and down....again steep and a runaway truck ramp half way down the mountain....if you lose breaks you would probably hit 100mph!!! But the sand is real deep. So again the leaf season was real short but still got it in!



You should......

by GMan - 2009-11-04 08:11:08

let him drive it now and then. Another Joy is to hand detail it........elbow grease wax, shine, etc.. I am real excited as I just found a waterless car wash in a bottle. It is unbelievable.Shine, Shine, Shine!!!


Wow, what a nice drive!

by pacergirl - 2009-11-04 08:11:09

Thanks for the drive and thanks for the wonderful story. You have an amazing ability to take anyone who reads your post along with you as you drive!



p.s. My hubby drove the Porsche to work today. Darn the luck! ha ha


by Carolyn65 - 2009-11-04 10:11:00

GMan: You are such a great writer that you "paint" beautiful pics with your words. If feel I could "hang" your writing/pic. on the wall. Thanks for lifting up everyone's spirits. It is so nice to hear how and what the rest of the country is doing during the wonderful Fall season. So pretty. TEXAS' leaves, colors have not changed yet but our drought did break some.

Your title, "Take time to smell the flowers" ~ my return address labels with my name and address which I put on outgoing envelopes show a long stem rose in the background, pink to be exact. The company "peddling" these labels did not know, but my wonderful Grandmother loved and raised roses, God Bless her soul. Anyway, the company said I could have up to four lines on the labels. My top line before my return address, I wrote: "Take Time to Smell the Roses". This for my wonderful German Grandmother, deceased.

I just had an email from a friend in Australia. She said it is summer there, of course and it got up in the high 90 degree weather yesterday. Makes TEXAS' weather sound mild. Have a great day and week.

I go to my GP today for a "follow up" to what? We just chat/laugh, get a flu shot, then "follow up" in 3 more months. See my PM Clinic in Jan. 2010 & my cardiologist in about a year. That is what they tell me.

Keep dreamin' Fall leaves and colors. Have a great day and weeks before the holidays, Carolyn G. in TEXAS
How about them HORNS? GO UT LONGHORNS!

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