Mid Season Form-GOLF!!

It took this long to hit mid season form, but it is beautiful! I changed my grip(no more overlap)had my clubs all regripped. I took on a new swing keeping the arms straight and letting them hang while moving the shouldars. On the downswing I pull my shouldars ahead of my arms a bit. This worked great! But there was a problem....I lost too much power. The ball was flying nice but not going as far as it should. I studied the books and discovered that I was not cocking the wrist on my backswing. Now I am and I gained a lot of yardage doing this. So I go back sort of stiff then cock the wrist to get up higher than bam!! So I have one more thing to work out and thats the drives. What is holding me back from 300yds? I won't be satisfied until I do at least 275!!! My build is a little better than Tiger Woods and he does 300.

Where does the pacemaker fit in to this? I don't know, I just grip it and rip it!!!!!


It could be

by ccmoore - 2010-10-01 08:10:31



Good to hear!

by DC Pacer - 2010-10-02 04:10:52

Golf swings are a constant work in progress... Glad to hear you are out playing again GMan.

On a side note, I was able to play last Friday and Saturday at Firestone in Akron - what a beautiful course. I have a deeper respect for the skill level of a professional golfer. Getting on those greens in regulation and making a birdie putt is a HUGE challenge...

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You run like the bionic woman.

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