continuos feeling

hi everybody,
I would like to share may experience with pacemaker, implant 2009, i still feel light pain in the implant areta, especially after wrong sleeping position or hard movmentrs ........... dose this feeling is normal ?????
Pleas reply me .....
thanks for reading



by cfritza - 2010-03-11 10:03:24

Yes I think it's normal I had mine put in Oct 09 and still have some discomfort at times. I think as long as it's not severe it's normal. There is something that's not suppopse to be there under our skin so our bodies take awhile to adjust.


by ro - 2010-03-19 12:03:05

I had my implantation in fall of 2008 and I still have pain sometimes, particularly if I sleep on my left side. If you also notice redness or the area is warmer than the rest of you, see your Dr., because that might be an infection.

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I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.