Yoga Update

Hello friends,

I made it to my second class this week. I was hanging in there or well I should say, (upside down with downward dog) in there and I was doing alright. My balance is a little wobbly, ok a lot wobbly because I am weak! but I didn't give up! Of course there are the pretty, young and strong girls in the class looking at me as if I have lost my mind, but it's ok I tell myself. So I just close my eyes and imagine that I am on a cruise ship somewhere nice and warm. I am able to try most poses and hold them for a few min. It isn't easy, but I know that I only just began. I used to teach some of the classes before I had my heart issues kick in. So I am not giving up! Somehow I will find the strength to continue. My hip is better, just a little. The instructor asked me on Monday why I had been away for so long, and why was I back.... I explained a few problems I was having and now my hip was a big problem. Bless her heart, tonight she had the entire class working on hips and hip movements! It was great! My heart has not caused me any issues! The pacer seems to get in the way with some of the poses, but I will have to just work around it. :D

So that is where I am with my resolution to get healthier. 2 classes this week and a dance class tonight as well. I am still trying to learn how to 2-step! Great fun with the hubby.

Cheers! and thank you in advance for your support!


well done you!!!!!!

by Hot Heart - 2012-01-05 04:01:17

you are an inspiration!

HH xxx


by pacergirl - 2012-01-05 09:01:58

Thanks for you encouragement!

Keep it up!!

by Cheryl B - 2012-01-05 11:01:59

thanks, Pacergirl, for the encouragement. I saw one of my heart docs today, and told him that I was thinking of joining a gym. I am one year and a couple months post-ICD. I walk maybe two to 2 and a half miles a day with my disobedient dog. My doc said that was a good idea. I know I've been putting it off because I'm scared. But after reading your post, I'm going to go tomorrow and check out the gym up the street. Thanks, and good luck to you. I read your comments from time to time, and you always give such great advice.
Cheryl B.

good for you

by Vmurph - 2012-01-05 12:01:09

I want to try to do Pilate's with one arm for now but my body doesn't want to cooperate yet. You are well on your way to getting to where you want to be stick with it!!!


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