Need advice on CareLink monitor.

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has a Medtronic CareLink Monitor. I've tried numerous times to transmit a reading but the monitor will not complete the transmission. The unit will read my pacemaker just fine but when it tries to send the transmission, the orange light comes on and the transmission is lost.

I've tried everything ---- I bought a filter, connected to 7 different phone outlets in various buildings and made sure the monitor was not next to a computer. nothing worked. I called my pacemaker clinic and they told me to come on up for check!

If anyone has a suggestion as to any trouble-shooting I can try, I'd sure like to know about it. As it stands at present, I now have to drive 4 hours (this Thursday) to the clinic and have the check-up done and they will then check the monitor as well, but I'm trying to get avoid a long drive.

I talked with Medtronic about this problem and I'm considering getting the device that will allow me to use my cell phone to connect the monitor for future transmissions. Does anyone use their cell phones to connect their monitor for transmissions? I'd love to hear from you!!


Hi there...

by pezzypooh - 2011-02-07 08:02:37

I had the same problem, until I changed the batteries in my Medtronic CareLink. You cannot leave the batteries in the box...the box drains them! I have never heard of the cell phone monitor, but I was able to rectify my issues by taking the batteries out and storing them nearby. I keep everything else hooked up, phone lines, etc, and just put the batteries in when needed...hope this helps! Sharon

Battery problem

by pacergirl - 2011-02-07 09:02:17

I lived with a Carelink machine for 5 years. Sharon is right, It's the battery. I learn early on to be sure to remove the battery after each phone check. I also kept a new one on hand as a backup.

Please let us know how you are doing and I hope this helps.


Call the number that came with it

by walkerd - 2011-02-08 06:02:25

for Medtronic, they will help you get it figured out, Ive called them a few times and very very helpful. I wasnt aware of a battery in mine but I will check today. But like I said call them, they will have the answers for you.


You know you're wired when...

You prefer rechargeable batteries.

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