when do you contact your dr or pacemaker clinic

Pacemaker in Aug. sat had intermittent chest pain for about 3 hrs, intensity coming and going for few seconds at a time. we were out of town so no one to call. yesterday and today the prevalance has been a lot less. some pressure, shortness of breath, and feeling faint (the latter of which is somewhat common.)

looking on internet this seems to be nothing. still i wonder. should i at least call the pm clinic and ask if they can read me? I have a portable machine here in office but have never used it.




by cathtx - 2010-02-15 04:02:35

I think if you are concerned then absolutely you should call them. That is why they are there and make the big bucks! :)
Good Luck,

call it in

by justme - 2010-02-15 05:02:12

Using the machine is easy, and if you call the clinic they'll walk you through it and for the less than five minutes that this takes it's worth it.


by Tracey_E - 2010-02-15 06:02:52

Chest pain, esp with shortness of breath, is a reason to go to the ER. A heart attack will not show up on a pm report. It may well be nothing, but don't assume it's the pacer. It's better to be safe than sorry.

go to hosp

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-18 04:02:36

you get chest pain you go to hospital, just like any person without a pm would. The pm regulates heart rate, it shouldnt cause pain, it wont cause heart attacks, it wont stop them either, IF IN DOUBT CALL A DOC OR GO TO HOSP.

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