feeling rythm changes

hello sorry my writing not too good ..has anyone experience like a few palpitations that last for seconds feels like if something massage the heart and you can tell cause it almost feels like you loose breath for those seconds and little light headed almost none ,have you feel this ? what can it be thanks friends



by ecf2xtreme - 2009-11-20 09:11:05

It sounds like maybe you're having PVCs-premature ventricular contractions. There are a lot of little weird things your heart can do. This is something you should ask your doctor about. If it is PVCs, your device counts them. They aren't dangerous, just unpleasant. You should keep a log of when you feel them, and ask your doctor. I hope this helps.


by wenditt - 2009-11-20 10:11:40

When I had my new pm interrogated for the first time I asked them to make it go off so I would know what it felt like....and that's exactly how I would describe it. Like someone was holding my heart and gave it a little squeeze. It was quick, not painful...just different and weird. I wonder if that's what you are feeling?

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Your device makes you win at the slot machines.

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