router ,big screen tv, and theme parks.

hello can all of those cause problems? when a theme park says dont get on it if you have heart problems do they mean pacemaker or what? also how far does a router has to be .also what about signals from wireless devices are they safe ..quote i cut my own hair and the machine vibrates and no problem for me


not sure about ,,,

by biceps72 - 2011-07-02 10:07:48

theme parks? Ar you talking roller coasters, etc.? There was a recent thread on roller coasters--I think they might generate a magnetic field because of the braking system --but don't remember. Use the search function here to find the thread.... check out this link

Routers and big screen tvs should be no problem at all.

Cell phones should be used on the other side of where PM has been implanted (e.g. my PM is in my left pectoral muscle-- I listen to my cellphone using my right ear. The rule of thumb is the device should be no closer than 6" to the PM according to Medtronics literature I received.

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My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.