friends! is surgery risky for us?

pacemaker implant in 07 ..and on 09 surgery of the ankle now when they did my surgery of the ankle i was not aware that they were going to put me complete to sleep! i felt awful when i woke up had a hard time staying awake i felt like the anesthesia was to much and my doctor was not ask before the surgey cause this was a workers comp case.. now i feel pain in my shoulder honestly i think i need surgery but am now afraid of the outcome! what should i do ..or am i just putting ideas in my head cause i do have anxiety. how can a doctor tell when you are weak or risky about surgery? how do they know or come out with that conclution? thanks. is cause i have a hard time too when i go to the dentist they dont want to deal with me they seem scare they tell me they need to ask first to my doctor what kind of numb medicine is the right one for me. please comment!



by donr - 2011-12-10 08:12:30

Cadaver: I had a shoulder repaired not 6 inches from my PM. Piece of cake! Surgeon stuck a magnet over it to drop it into the test mode & went to town. Anesthesiologist was aware of situation & closely monitored heart. Talked to each of them while still coherent just before entering OR. Also - had a foot repaired & a tooth extracted by surgeons. Lessee - also underwent an abortive prostate radioactive seed implant. All w/ out complications.

That being said, it depends a lot on the person. Yes, you suffer a lot of anxiety issues, but they can be overcome for this purpose. The best way is a long, heart to heart discussion w/ the prospective surgeon & your cardio prior to the procedure. they can go a long way toward allaying your fears, which are very real to you, hence significant & worthy of addressing. If they won't - find another surgeon!


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I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.