Opinions please...

Does anyone out there plan to get the H1N1 flu vaccine?


Flu vaccine

by Shirley - 2009-09-11 11:09:29

I actually have taken the flu vaccine for the past couple of years since I have COPD. I have been able to fight off most colds & flu bugs from eveyone around and have never had any reaction from the vaccine.
This past month I checked with my GP and he recommended I get it as soon as he receives it (late Oct or early Nov). Our systems are somewhat weakend I would think with our little friends so best to be as protected as possible and continue enjoying the best of life.


Flu vaccine

by Shirley - 2009-09-11 11:09:46

I actually have taken the flu vaccine for the past couple of years since I have COPD. I have been able to fight off most colds & flu bugs from eveyone around and have never had any reaction from the vaccine.
This past month I checked with my GP and he recommended I get it as soon as he receives it (late Oct or early Nov). Our systems are somewhat weakend I would think with our little friends so best to be as protected as possible and continue enjoying the best of life.



by Lotti - 2009-09-12 05:09:43

Having been caught out 8 years ago when I ended up spending 3 1/2 weeks in hospital I now have had the pneumonia vaccine and have the flu vaccine every year.



by Tracey_E - 2009-09-12 08:09:12

One, I won't get anything that's made in a hurry and not tested. Two, the strain is weakening. My kids cheer. 8 of the 35 girls on the squad have had it and it's been running through our school so we've already been exposed. The first girl was very sick and missed the first week of school, the last two to get it were out of school less than three days.

My opinion is biased so take it with a grain of salt, I'm very much anti vaccines in general with flu at the top of the list. There are thousands of flu strains out there and you can't vaccinate against all of them. Every summer a group of scientists gets together and tries to predict which strains will be bad the next winter, and those are the ones in the vaccine. You can also get sick from the vaccine. It's all a crap shoot so I'd rather take my chances.

No, untested, source of adjuvent squalene

by KarenMI - 2009-09-12 09:09:12

Untested. Components tested for safety by the same folks who make the vaccine.

Tested vaccine may not be same vaccine given.

Squalene ingested in foods safe, squalene injected dangerous, autoimmune links.

Our doctor says no to regular flu shots because of mercury preservative (various spellings: timerosol, alternate name merthiolate) which are 49% mercury by weight.

Full article by Dr Russell Blaylock, who is a neurosurgeon, writes about H1N1 is at the first link below. VERY good info.


Second link is Wikipedia about mercury preservative.


Read them and make your own choice. I have had my bout with autoimmune disease, and say no. It took me a while to rid myself of most of the mercury in my system.

Wash hands with soap and water, eat simply and well, leave out sugar, sleep well, keep up personal hygiene...all the things we try to teach our kids.

Not since high school

by wiredwoman - 2009-09-12 09:09:30

No, I won't be getting it, but then I haven't gotten a flu shot since the 60s. Not only do I have no faith in the safety and efficacy of the vaccines themselves, but thimerosal is the usual preservative, and that contains mercury. There's a large and growing contingent of people out there who believe that thimerosal is linked to autism. Personally, I also believe it could be linked to Alzheimers.

If you're going to get the vaccine, however, I believe you may be able to request thimerosal free, though I have no idea what's used in its place.



by vbilbrey - 2009-09-13 01:09:26

I agree with the comments about taking a vaccine that has been untested and rushed. I also think it's just a scam to scare people into trusting the government rather than use their own judgement. The solution is simple, as KarenMI mentions:

Wash hands before eating and after using the restroom
Get plenty of rest
Eat a healthy diet

You should be fine.

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