Shoulder Pain

Anyone having pain in their shoulder? Certain movements and motions using my left arm seems to be somewhat restricted. Any suggestions?

Also, my pacemaker always feels like it is this common?


YES Shoulder Pain

by wenditt - 2009-09-23 07:09:39

YES YES YES!!! I've had my pm for just shy of 2 weeks and my shoulder hurts...almost the joint really. Dr. said it was due to lack of movement and favoring that one arm. They said it would ease once I was able to move/lift my arm...another 4 1/2 weeks from now.

As for the movement...YES YES YES!!! Wondering if you are slim up on top. I noticed it after I slept on my right side, my pm is implanted on my left. Seems I was hunching or curling up while sleeping and my actual shoulder bone was like resting on it. That it turn made it feel like it was shifting.

Feel better,


by pezzypooh - 2009-09-23 11:09:30

I am almost 6 months post-op from my first pacemaker, and I have shoulder pain still. I have what I would call a slight muscle pain often times, and recently have started to have what I would describe as nerve pain in my left shoulder, especially when trying to sleep on that side. I think that parts of it stems from that 6 weeks of non-use, and also from surgery in general...muscle and nerves cut to make the pocket...ask your doctor...I'm sure it is normal!

What they don't tell you

by ElectricFrank - 2009-09-24 12:09:26

While pain with movement on the pacemaker side is common due to the making of the pocket and incision this is usually short lived.

The other source of post surgery pain is due to the way your body is handled while under an amnesia drug or fully anesthesia. This can result in actual damage to shoulder, neck, or arm joints. I chose to remain fully conscious during my implant and at one point had someone use my chest for an elbow rest. If I hadn't been able to object I'm sure I would have been bruised and sore for quite a while.

The other important thing is start using the shoulder within a day or so after surgery. Just don't lift it over your head. They often aren't too clear with the instructions.


Shoulder Pain

by Irishone - 2009-09-28 02:09:14

I am 7 weeks post pm implant and I still feel the pulling up towards my shoulder. It is right on the line where the leads were inserted. I also feel an occassional burning and pain at the site. I was afraid of infection but when I went to the surgeon he advised that it wasn't infection but probably neuroma aka damage to the nerve endings that some pm patients experience. So what you are feeling is normal to most of us. It takes a while for the pocket area to get back to normal not to mention the non-use of that arem

It does get better so hang in there!

shoulder pain

by Tony - 2009-11-15 08:11:36

17 weeks post pm implant, I am having range of motion problems. Raising my arms overhead is also a problem. I have not gone back to exercising because I had lead displacement problems. I had two leads replaced on my right side and then they replaced the PM on the left side. The first pacemaker I went 12 weeks without incident. I then passed out in my house. I am reluctant because I fear the failure to capture by the PM.

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You run like the bionic woman.

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Do feel free to contact the manufacturer of your device. I have found them to be quite helpful when I have had questions and concerns.