Oops...Don't do what I did.....

I wanted to share this little story with you...so that no one here is careless and a dummie like I was last night!!!

I have a cold or something wrong with my nose....mainly due to a little kindergartener named Andy. You see...Andy thinks he is a stallion at the age of 6 and wears cologne....bad cologne....and WAY TO MUCH of it. I love this little guy to death but he is gonna kill me!

I was working one on one with Andy yesterday. I had to help him hold a marker and print numbers so I was right up in there with him. And the closer I got to him, the more my eyes were burning...then I was sneezing....then I am thinking holy crap I am allergic to this boy and his "little man spice." By the end of the school day I think Andy was soley responsible for what felt like a full blown sinus infection! Poor little Andy....he really thought he was hot to trot but I couldn't get him out of my classroom fast enough. LOL. I drove home with my window open in 15 degree weather trying to air myself out and to flush my airways with good clean oxygen.

So...I asked my husband to get me some cold medicine but asked him to speak to the pharmacist before hand and to tell him I had a PM and that I didn't want ANYTHING that would raise my heart rate. (mainly because that scares the be-jesus outta me).

He came home with a whole bag of goods and said the pharmacist said everything in the bag was ok to take. WRONG WRONG WRONG. I think the pharmacist got his license from the dog pound because Sudafed+Afrin=Speed!!!!

Lesson learned! If you don't like a racing heart...Sudafed may not be for you!

Now if I could only get Andy to lay off the "little man spice"

Sniffling, sneezing but still laughing and shaking my head over Andy...the Little Man!

Have a good day!



by mike thurston - 2010-01-13 01:01:13

Verry funny stuff.

Made My Day

by Bionic Man - 2010-01-13 04:01:23

Hi Wenditt,
I was at work when I read your post. I started cracking up. The guy in the cube next to me already thinks I'm nuts. I'm sure he's convinced of it now. I couldn't have read it at a better time. Things were crazy today and I was getting stressed then I read this and it cheered me up.
Thanks for the laugh, and for salvaging my day.

little man big trouble

by patsy - 2010-01-13 05:01:20

hi wenditt it pat i just resently got sick bad head cold feel much better now but i put a call in to my heart doc as soon as i could an the only thing we can take is coricidin it has a heart on box they have it behind the pharmacy in drug stores i so happen to work at drug store it helped me alot cause i was snezzing blowing my nose you name it comes in cough syrup as well works great hope you feel better its funny i almost took something i was not supposed to take until my pharmacist said pat call you doc cause you have to be careful on what mades you take now so good luck take back that med an get a return. oh you dont need a script for it either just a valid driver lic well that the rule here in new jersey.take care patsy

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