Heart beat in your gut

This morning I woke up to a pounding heartbeat with a fast rhythem. I'm pretty sure I had a bad dream. But what was different this time is that I could feel the strong hard beats right in my solar-plex. It was right wear my ribs meet but up higher. Almost like my stomach had a heart beat.

My heart beat slowed down on it's own but am wondering if that's normal...does it happen to anyone else? Am I supposed to be having beats there?



Phrenic Nerve

by ecf2xtreme - 2010-02-15 01:02:02

It could be the PM stimulating the phrenic nerve in your diaphragm. I get that, too. :)

If it continues.....

by Pookie - 2010-02-16 03:02:27

call your doctor and ask if he/she can see you. You might even want a chest Xray to see if the bottom lead (if you have one) has moved.

I too experienced that shortly after having my pacer, but it went away quite quickly.

when in doubt....get it checked out. :)


Got indigestion?

by FirstDuely - 2010-02-20 02:02:28

No really...sometimes when I eat late or too much and to to bed I will have a "full" feeling and feel the stomach or upper abdominal area "beating", or pulsing. It may just be "materials" moving around corners, getting held up, and you feeling the pressure it causes against the diaphragm which is being shoved around by the heart.
I get up, walk around, drink water, relax, maybe hit the bathroom as needed, and then try to lie down without curling up too much.
This only a gut feeling but it may help you to stomach the pulsing feeling you're getting.....
Gary (soon back home to a faster computer)

heart beat in your gut

by lik60 - 2010-07-16 02:07:23

I have had my PM since 7/09, I have noticed that very same feeling, it does't appear to last long and I have not had anything come of it.

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You forecast electrical storms better than the weather network.

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Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.