Rythem Changes

Curious. Anyone out there notice your heart rythems have changed since you got your PM? I feel like now I have PAC's, PVC's, skips, tiny pauses and I don't think I had these before.

I understand that it could entirely be possible that I am just in tune to it now and I never noticed them before....but some of these "different" beats I feel like I would notice.

Every halter turns out normal, every interrogation says nothing happened...but I feel things. And I don't think I was feeling them before! Any thoughts or questions you could send my way so I can ask the Dr. when I go back???


Pacemakers and strange beats

by ElectricFrank - 2010-02-18 01:02:17

It may not directly be the pacemaker. Remember, something changed in our hearts to require a pacemaker and this may be the cause of the new rhythms. As an example when I suddenly developed an AV block, something had to affect the conduction system of my heart, like a virus or... It happened suddenly one day and a few days later I was sporting a new bump on my chest. Whatever the cause of the block, it may have also damaged other tissue in my heart wall which is the source of those interesting PVC's etc.


Me Three!!

by cathtx - 2010-02-18 10:02:43

I have had my PM 3 weeks and have had lots of funky beats...fluttery, flip flopping, fast etc! I told my EP on the post op visit and was told that everything was "normal" whatever that is. That was last Friday and I knew by Tuesday that something was different so I basiclly forced them to make me an appt that day and sure enough I was having some accelerated ventricular beats that were trying to compete with my pacer. They said I was very sensitive to all beats because it was subtle, but it was really bothering me. They put me on low dose beta blocker and increased the rate of pacer. I am going back next week now to probably lower rate back down. i am feeling so much better. Only a few light funky beats. I am trying not to be too excited in case it doesn't work but it is good for now. I definitely think it takes time for our hearts to get used to this new life with PM!
Good Luck!

Me Too!

by smfitz2662 - 2010-02-18 12:02:16

For the first 6 months I was fine! Then about 8 months ago, fluttering (like a flopping fish is in my chest) palpitations, chest pain, and irregular heartrates. At first they told me nothing was wrong, then after being in the ED for the 2nd time in 2 months, they said arrythmia. Very vague. They put me on Atenolol 25mgs daily, but not only is it not helping, it seems to be getting worse. Today I had my PM interrrogated from home. They called and said I am having Sinus Tachycardia into the 170's, and am throwing alot of PVC's. I see my EP doc on 3/3/10. I plan on composing a list of questions and concerns, I need answers! I am also aware of my heart beat more often than not, and that it so disconcerting to me I can't even tell you. So dont ignore your body, get answers and if your Doc wont give them, find one that will! hang in there!

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