New Pacemaker

Hi Everyone! I am new to the group. I just had my pm impanted 2 weeks ago. It is a Medtronic Adapta. The reason for the impant was bradycardia and I also have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I am excited to have the pacer as this past year has been difficult due to a low heart rate and BP and all the things that go with that and trying to work.

I am eager to get my life back. I am having troubles getting to sleep at night. I am wide a wake when normally I would be sleeping. When I get really tired and I am at work, the pacer speeds up to 90 +. I went to the doctor and the pacer was set from 70 down to 60. But I still have the same problem.

Does it take time for the body to adjust to the pacer? This pacer is rate responsing.

I hope I can get some feedback. It would be really appreciated!


New PM

by Blueaustralia - 2009-09-27 07:09:21

I actually found it took me a long time to adjust. They had to put my setting down from 60 to 55 and I felt a lot better. One of my main problems was not sleeping and I knew that had a lot to do with my tiredness. I wanted to go to sleep at about 1 - 2pm I was so tired.

Yes, I think it takes time to adjust but everyone is different and it is early days yet for you. Sometimes we have to have quite a few "tune ups" before it suits us..

Welcome to the club and I wish you all the best from Oz

Sleep rate

by chpe - 2009-09-27 10:09:23

Hi normally a persons heart rate goes slower at night when they are sleeping. Some pacemakers can mimic this.
I believe Adaptas hace a sleep rate that can be set to allow a lower heart rate between a go to bed time and a get up time eg 50 or 55 bpm.
This might help

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