Lead extraction


It's been a while since I have made a post. On December 4th 2008 I had surgery for PM and Lead extraction. The surgeon believed that I had an infection. I didn't think that was the case as I know I would have had different symptoms. My thought was that I had a lead that might be pressing up against a nerve and sending me these terrible pains up my arm, into my upper back...and directly at the PM site.

History: I have had a PM for 24 years....in 2006 I had my 4th PM implanted and a lead capped and replaced. I have had difficulties with the PM and site since then. I finally spoke with the surgeon who performed the last procedure and I asked him about lead extraction. He sent me to the specialist. I met with this doctor and he gave me his thoughts..and said it would be inevitable that I would have to have a new system and all the leads removed.....he presented me with all of the odds and information. He did inform me that there could be a chance of open heart if anything should to go wrong with the laser lead extaction....I signed the consent. I did a lot of research....got the stats...which were 89% positive for successful lead extractions....He said that he felt confident that he could get the lead of 2006 out but my lead of 1991 and 1984 might present more of a challenge. You see leads adhere to the tissue all the ways long....so what they have to do is laser at each site that the lead has adhered to. The mean for this procedure is 38 months =/- 17 months. So I knew there would be some risks involved. However, I felt confident that things would go well.

My surgery day came....I was scheduled for a 2 hour surgery...it lasted over 5 hours....while trying to laser one of the leads they nicked my aorta and I bled which necessitated a sternotomy. They were unsucessful in removing all three leads....I was informed that my original lead of 1984 was wrapped around my heart and in order to get it removed they would have to disect my heart....well obviously they didn't do that....so after it was all said and done I ended up with my PM from my original site(which was on my right) being removed and 2 of the leads, a sternotomy, and a new PM implant on my left, I spent 5 days in the hospital.....my chest looks like a very bad Van Gough painting.

Since my procedure I have done further research on the success rates and complications of lead extractions....based on what happened to me I would fall into the 0.4% rate for failed extractions and complicaitons. Just my luck. The success rate is as high as 89%. I fall into a unique catergory due to my sex, age, and complicaiton. The mean age is 62+/- 12 years, male and the complication.

So at the end of the day I have to ask myself was it all really worth it.....I'm not sure it was. I certainly need my PM....without it I go into a 3 degree AVB also known as complete heart block....but could I have lived with the discomfort over what I have to deal with now. I am only 47 years old I am now on my 5th PM....I know that I will have to have more PM replacements before I leave this planet....but did I need the lead extraction? For that I am not sure.....I didn't have an infection...he told me my leads were all twisted and were in fact pressing up against a nerve.....I can't help but wonder if there could have been something else that they could have done instead?

I have been walking every day....I still tire easily....I still need help getting my jackets on and many things are still uncomfortable for me....I am optomistic that because I was in fairly good health prior to my surgery that I will make a complete recovery...it just is taking longer than I had anticipated....and for that I am sad.


hugs and healing prayers

by Tracey_E - 2009-01-04 04:01:03

Oh Maryanne, you poor thing!!! I'm so sorry to hear you had complications. Can you tell yet if they got the one that was causing the pain? Sending you very gentle hugs and lots of prayers for fast and complete healing.

oh dear

by Pookie - 2009-01-04 05:01:48

Maryanne....you know I'm cheering for you!!

Do you think you are more tired than usual because of the depth and length of this surgery? plus the sternotomy would set you back more than just a regular pacemaker surgery...right?

Give yourself a bit more time as it's only been a month today.



by jessie - 2009-01-04 06:01:32

hi. i am so sorry to hear what you have been thru. you are so brave. i am thinking of you and i know that soon you will feel better. you are young and strong. if you want to talk let me know take care of yourself as i know you will. hugs maureen aka jessie

Lead Extraction

by donb - 2009-01-04 06:01:52

HI Maryanne, what a shocker! I will be 77 in a few days and scheduled for a second opinion on lead extraction at a specialist in Ann Arbor, MI University of Michigan hospital. I had my third pacemaker pulled about a month ago because of alergy. My original of the three I had was July l992. I was told the laser usually isn't that bad but I have been really concerned about the almost 17 years would probably grow the leads in solid as my chest was a mess with scar tissue. I feel really bad about your situationand really hope all goes well for you. I think you'll have lots of support from everyone and our proayers are with you.

Hi MaryAnne,

by Gellia2 - 2009-01-04 07:01:47

OMG! I could be you! I am faced with a similar option.
Could you email me privately? I'm floored at how similar I am to you. I have had a Dual PM since 1982 that replaced a single chamber demand PM implanted in 1975 for congenital 3rd degree AVB. I still have that wire. It is wrapped in a loop around the inside of my ventricle.
I am terrified that they will want to laser all my wires one of these days, too.
Would an alternate side placement be easier? Is five wires too many? I have so many questions.
Could you email me? I really would appreciate it. I could use some "been there, done that" advice.

On the other side of the spectrum...

by bambi - 2009-01-04 09:01:39

I had my leads extracted 2 years ago to enable a stent to be placed in my SVC. I was given the same cautions and told the same possible complications as you were Maryanne. I also did lots of research and took 2 months to decide whether to go through with it. It can be extremely risky surgery, and no one knows how difficult, or how easy the extraction will be until they actually attempt it! My heart goes out to you! My pacemaker had been in for 5 years at the time of the surgery. I was told the surgery would take anywhere from 3 to 5 hours and a thoracic surgeon would be in the OR in case of needing to crack my chest. I woke up 2 hours later with both leads extracted and no complications. The next day I had the stent placed, and 3 days later, the pacemaker and leads were put back in. I am so thankful that I lucked out in what seems to be a bit of a crapshoot! I know that what you've been through will take the wind out of your sails for a long time! Please be kind and patient with yourself.
It is very common to experience some depression after such a traumatic experience. So, don't be too hard on yourself and accept all offers of help. If you want to private message me, feel free! My prayers are with you!

Lead Pain

by lady4law - 2009-06-30 09:06:23

Thanks so much for sending me to this post. Now that I read what you have gone through I have no idea what to do. I do not want open-heart surgery and with my breast reconstruction, I just bet I'd get massive infections.
I wonder if just relocating the PM back to my original site and reconnecting it to the previous wires would stop this pain. I am worried about loose leads as they could puncture my implants. My Breast canceer has been a nightmare and I'd like to move on with my life.

You know you're wired when...

You prefer rechargeable batteries.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.