New Pacemaker pain at site

Hello All,

I am 40 yrs old and had a pacemaker/defib placed about a month ago. I am doing well, but have pain at the site. It is not enough to stop my daily activites, just annoying. It almost feels like it is moving. Is that normal? I also got a horrible blood clot in my left arm after the pacemaker was placed on the left. Did anyone else experience this?



Had pain after insertion

by COBradyBunch - 2009-12-03 01:12:44

I had a lot of pain after insertion, it traveled out to my shoulder and up the left side of my neck as well as over the insertion area itself. It started about a week to 10 days after insertion and they checked me out for a blood clot with an ultrasound and found nothing and then put me on some heavy hitting anti-inflams. That did the trick after about 3-4 days. Still get some pain and some feelings that are sort of like pulling in my neck but no longer have the pain. Mine was nearly debilitating not just annoying.

Had paon checked today

by Pelelives - 2009-12-03 08:12:41

I am 2 weeks post PM insertion. I am having what feels like muscle tenderness in the under part of my arm. And, I am getting shoulder and neck pains. I talked with the cardiologist about it today. He said the symptoms were not consistent with nerve damage from the lead insertion, and a quick exam did not believe there is a clot. So, the origin is unknown right now. I'll give it a few weeks and see whether it gets better then bug him again. What did it feel like when you had a clot?

I wasn't told about pain..

by turboz24 - 2009-12-03 10:12:30

My first EP didn't mention anything about discomfort or long term pain.

When I asked my current EP, he looked at me, knew my activity level, and basically told me that it will always cause me discomfort/pain from time to time. I've had my ICD for more than 2 years, and every so often, I get that occassional aching pain or swift pencil stab in the implant site.


by Hot Heart - 2009-12-07 06:12:50

Do you think we home into the pain in our pm site or our heart because of anxiety. My knee is really really aching today, but I dont seem to worry about that! lol

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